azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<electronic_eel> hmm, difficult with the trigger button
<azonenberg> i mean, in general i think we need to move towards a complex "trigger group" model
<azonenberg> in which you can have sets of arbitrarily many instruments that trigger in lock-step
<azonenberg> but are asynchronous to other sets of instruments
<azonenberg> I think we need to brainstorm this a bunch before writing any code
<azonenberg> i have a few other things to do but might throw together an informal dev zoom if folks want to just discuss interactively?
<azonenberg> (in an hour or two not immediately)
<electronic_eel> i'm a bit overdue going to bed, so i can't join in
<electronic_eel> sorry
<azonenberg> no worries
<azonenberg> anyway, i'm thinking of probably setting it up after the kid goes to bed (19:00 Pacific) and whoever is online is free to jump in
<azonenberg> i want to start coding on this in the next day or two, but i want to get other folks' input and perspectives before jumping into a design i might regret
<d1b2> <david.rysk> one can argue that a fast enough voltmeter is effectively a scope
<d1b2> <david.rysk> I think it makes sense to unify all this
<d1b2> <david.rysk> we're ending up with lots of redundancy here
<d1b2> <david.rysk> Yeah, though I'd probably simplify type at least somewhat on the backend, e.g. to source/sink and analog/digital
<d1b2> <david.rysk> though how best to handle e.g. an SMU
<d1b2> <david.rysk> I'm trying to think of what sorts of data sources would be more complex and how to handle them; I think most can be handled by data/time
<azonenberg> Multiple trigger groups is definitely something that is going to be phase two or so of this refactoring
<azonenberg> The first step i think is going to be scalar instruments outputting live streaming data that cannot be paused/stopped
<azonenberg> and all vector channels updating on a single global lockstep trigger
<azonenberg> This is not ideal, in that if you save a scopesession and reconnect later any scalar measurement data is lost
<azonenberg> but I can't change the entire API all at once, we have to make somewhat atomic changes :p
<d1b2> <david.rysk> it sounds like for some of those situations it would be nice if the driver were able to buffer (or attempt to do so)
<d1b2> <david.rysk> since I suspect that "live streaming data that cannot be paused/stopped" is not unusual for e.g. cheaper streaming logic analyzers
<d1b2> <david.rysk> yeah it can be stopped but it won't be buffered anywhere, unless it's buffered clientside
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<azonenberg> and well, long term
<azonenberg> i want to allow live data to be pauseable
<azonenberg> even if its still coming, at least the gui should let you freeze when something interesting happens
<azonenberg> and that saved data should be saved in a scopesession
<azonenberg> Ok so i ended up being busy with other stuff tonight and didnt have time to actually write any code but i think the design is pretty solid now
<azonenberg> Going to be a couple days of refactoring
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<bvernoux> Hello
<bvernoux> I have received my aluminum case for the eCal LibreCAL A+
<bvernoux> They are amazing I have received 5 full cases (it was planned 4) because one have a very small scratch <1mm
<bvernoux> The quality is even better than the one produced by PCBWay with better laser marking (a bit deeper)
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<azonenberg> bvernoux: nice
<bvernoux> I'm thinking about if more guys will be interested if emulation of other eCal will be implemented
<bvernoux> like KeySight eCal
<bvernoux> which cost >20KUSD for 4 ports like the LibreCAL A+
<bvernoux> Which I suspect very similar performance and anyway all ports will be caracterized and so any error can be fully de-embedded
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