azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<d1b2> <abhishek> johnsel, t4nk_freenode: BeagleLogic developer here, thanks for the plug. I'm looking to integrate scopehal support (and improve sigrok support) for BeagleLogic so have been lurking around the channel.
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<d1b2> <abhishek> Expect some updates, in, a month or two?
<t4nk_freenode> I don't have a beaglelogic :|
<d1b2> <abhishek> If you have (any) BeagleBone, you can use BeagleLogic
<t4nk_freenode> euh
<d1b2> <abhishek> The hardware is just to protect your board
<t4nk_freenode> I meant I don't have any beagle ;)
<d1b2> <abhishek> Okay, no worries
<t4nk_freenode> seems nice though
<t4nk_freenode> I'll see about compacting the exported csv file from sigrok first today
<t4nk_freenode> azonenberg, I've updated vulkan-headers and rebuilt, but there's still something fishy going on
<t4nk_freenode> here's some output from the cmake command
<t4nk_freenode> I'm too scared to run ngscopeclient at the moment, but I can somewhat run glscopeclient ( it segfaults and crashes too but I can escape to a console and shut it down, ngscopeclient is more fierce)
<t4nk_freenode> however... there's really nothing to be done in glscopeclient, I prepared a small csv file and it imports that. successfully yesterday, but at the moment glscopeclient sort of hangs after import
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