lol I was right about 0402 resistors with leads soldered on after all
now I'm even more interested to take a look inside HML01s
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azonenberg, start judging bugs by how many bottles the baby goes thru while you're debugging them? XD
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david.lenfesty: soooo in parallel with our USB-PD idea
I want to begin exploring an alternate, mechanically compatible probe power system
namely, using vanilla usb-c (with 5V Vbus, no PD, and usb 2.0 full/high speed signalling) as a probe control interface
Advantage: it would let people plug our probes directly into a PC with no modification or special control/power hardware
which would be a bonus for things like the ThunderScope or lower end PicoScopes without native active probe buses on them
Disadvantage: might need a beefier MCU on the probe, and also requires us to put a bunch of DC-DCs in the probe which can introduce noise
I am not making a final decision at this point but I think it's worth doing at least a bit of prototyping
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<david.lenfesty> huh
<david.lenfesty> no idea why we didn't discuss just using USB 2.0 for the control interface
The original concern was needing a much beefier micro as well as introducing more EMI
Which are legitimate concerns
Hence why i want to prototype before making a final decision
in particular the dual rail PD is a cool idea
but it means custom hardware
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and if we want to target active probes for use with PC attached scopes, when they already have USB available
many of them may not have PD capability and certainly not our custom version thereof
so we get a lot more compatibility if we use standard usb
this does of course also mean we need embedded usb host capability for active probes on the scope
<david.lenfesty> that shouldn't be too bad
<david.lenfesty> we could probably slap a USB hub IC in front of the host for more ports
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<david.lenfesty> (but also note I don't have the capacity for another project, school is ruining me right now)
<david.lenfesty> although what I am realising is I should have finagled this as my capstone project (I was thinking I couldn't because the test board was too far along)
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well in any case, i've been busy with other stuff too
just thinking as i work on my probing lecture slides
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I need to build a good fixture to measure the 10dB Attenuator/Limiter (especially for the side 4mm banana to connect it to Port2 of the VNA)
But with a crap test done by hand I can see it is -10dB like expected
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