I used them a couple of times, always great results and very reasonable prices.
Yes, i was considering using them for some of my upcoming projects
but havent actually done any business with them yet so cant comment on results
What's really nice is they also do things like pressfit stand-offs and other stuff like that.
Oh nice, how are the prices like?
I paid like ~ 50 eur for some custom front/back panels (qty 1) for a classic hammond instrument case with a few holes. ( like 5 spdif tx/rx + bevelled screw holes on one, and 3 stand-offs and some led holes + screw holes on the other ).
The other thing I want to explore long term is building a resistive probe that has a 50 ohm termination to Vddq at/near the tip
behind the attenuator
The use case is to avoid shifting the DC bias on a DDR RAM signal
actually i'd be better off with a 500 ohm to vddq at the tip i think?
anyway yeah, basically i want to counteract the 500 ohm loading to ground with an equal pull to vddq
the thinking being that current sunk from the line is less of a big deal than shifting the DC offset on a SSTL signal
I dont know if it will be necessary but i think i should at least spend some time simulationg
split termination with 2 100ohm resistors could also work
might even be easier than providing Vddq source with freq response flat to 10ghz
probe can then even have a Vddq input to connect to the board's source
I meant Vtt in some of the places above
that was my plan, vddq input from the dut
and its more complicated than that because the output of the probe is 50 ohm to the scope
so there's 50 ohms to ground behind the resistive attenuator stage
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the goal is to avoid introducing a dc bias into the dut pulling it away from vtt
so if you add a second current path it can't be to vtt, it has to be to vddq to produce a thevenin equivalent of a load to vtt after including the 50 ohms to ground at the scope
yep, I meant split 2x 100ohm termination to gnd and vddq to produce vtt dc level
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you cant have 100 to ground though
you already have 50
you can add parallel resistance to ground
but you can't go above 50 total
why not?
because the scope has a 50 ohm termination in it
you can't remove that loading
You can however put the terminator in the middle of, rather than at the end of, your tip resistors
attenuation factor would be 20:1 instead of 10:1 but otherwise it will work fine I think
Say 400 series then a 50 up to vddq, 50 series, then 50 to ground at the scope
100 up to vddq*
ah, you also want to subtract the dc offset
Yes that is the whole point
i want the tip to be biased at vddq/2
this would be specifically for probing SSTL signals
without shifting the dc levels
but that's possible without *subtracting* the vtt bias
we can just pass it through to the scope
ah, I made a mistake in my math - for this split termination would need to be to vddq*2
or probe could have a single 50ohm resistor to vddq while scope will have 50ohm to gnd
Exactly my point
you cant have <50 to ground so you need 50 to vddq
Unless you are OK with changing the attenuation
in which case i think you can do some tricks in which you add the pullup before rather than after the attenuator
hypothetical but hard to actually build example: 500 to vddq at the tip
then 450 series, and 50 to ground at the scope
now you have 500 up and 500 down, so thevenin equivalent of a 250 to vtt
20:1 version might have better SI though due to being source-terminated
more realistically you'd have a value between 500 and 50 somewhere in the resistor string
anyway, just an idea - the ground terminated version will come first
I think adding a dac to make this adjustable could also make it useful for diff serial data probing
to avoid upsetting common-mode voltage
That would make sense to do at the diff amp though. not in the tip
this immediate use case is for single ended passive probing