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<azonenberg> I think this might be the resistors lecroy uses in their diff probe tips
<someone-else> I've been looking for those for a long time..
<azonenberg> I want to try making a single ended probe built the same way
<azonenberg> with a ground lead, a 100 ohm damping resistor you solder to the DUT, then another 350 ohms or so on the PCB
<azonenberg> In hopes of being a bit more durable than the AKL-PT2
<azonenberg> i'd cut the resistor leads short then use the scrap as the ground lead
<azonenberg> Also, $13.28 each is way cheaper than OEM replacements if it turns out to be the same part lol
<someone-else> having such resistor close to the circuit acts as a source terminator, improving si
<someone-else> hmm, seems possible to backorder on mouser..
<azonenberg> Already have ten on order
<azonenberg> lol
<someone-else> is ETA the same 14 weeks it says before ordering?
<someone-else> there's also this: which was recently in stock
<someone-else> but it's 2x longer
<someone-else> 3mm
<someone-else> I wonder if these $13 HMLs really are just 0402s with wires attached inside lol..
<azonenberg> Very possible. If I get my hands on them I will definitely cross section one
<azonenberg> The ETA is slow, yes. But the good news is, I don't have to wait because i'm cheating :p
<azonenberg> I'm going to design my probe around the LeCroy OEM resistors
<azonenberg> do initial testing and characterization with that
<azonenberg> Then in three months when the vishay stuff comes in, compare
<azonenberg> If they perform similarly I'll say I have a winner
<someone-else> sounds good
<azonenberg> My plan is to be a tiny 2-layer board on oshpark 0.8mm PCB
<azonenberg> rigid
<azonenberg> with an edge launch SMPM at the back side, 350 ohms of SMT resistance, then footprints for the resistor and ground lead at the tip
<azonenberg> I'll call it the AKL-PT5 as that's the next unused part number in my scheme
<someone-else> nice
<someone-else> btw, what sorts of reliability problems did you find with AKL-PT2?
<someone-else> flex boards I recently fabbed from 5mil PI with coverlay seem rather indestructible
<azonenberg> I did not have reliability problems, so much as the tip castellations are fragile
<someone-else> both thermally and mechanically
<someone-else> ah, mine don't have castellations
<azonenberg> yeah mine were castellations at the tip soldered directly to the DUT
<someone-else> make sense
<azonenberg> It's a great cheap design
<azonenberg> But fragile
<azonenberg> also the "tail" is too long, causing high losses
<azonenberg> My new plan is to jump to coax as quickly as possible
<azonenberg> ideally even soldering coax directly to the PCB
<azonenberg> but for now i'll be connectorized
<someone-else> hmm
<someone-else> keysight seems to be fine with ~10cm flex mx0100a
<azonenberg> i think
<azonenberg> It might depend on the specific flex material in use
<azonenberg> and coverlay, and transmission line geometry, etc
<someone-else> it's all polyimide I think
<someone-else> rolled copper might help though
<azonenberg> Anyway, my goal is for the AKL-PT5 to be usable into the double digit GHz
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<Degi> azonenberg, how do you get custom holes into the front and back panels of rackmount cases?
<monochroma> drill press or mill
<Degi> Does that also work for square holes like SFP cages?
<miek> just need a square drill bit
<monochroma> with a mill yes. and you actually need a triangular drill bit to drill square holes :3
<azonenberg> Degi: right now, i do not
<azonenberg> i havent built any custom rackmount stuff
<azonenberg> I have a manual mill, but longer term will probably outsource to some shop with a cnc fiber laser
<monochroma> a company i used to work at used
<tnt> I used them a couple of times, always great results and very reasonable prices.
<azonenberg> Yes, i was considering using them for some of my upcoming projects
<azonenberg> but havent actually done any business with them yet so cant comment on results
<tnt> What's really nice is they also do things like pressfit stand-offs and other stuff like that.
<Degi> Oh nice, how are the prices like?
<tnt> I paid like ~ 50 eur for some custom front/back panels (qty 1) for a classic hammond instrument case with a few holes. ( like 5 spdif tx/rx + bevelled screw holes on one, and 3 stand-offs and some led holes + screw holes on the other ).
<Degi> That sounds good. Is their european equivalent ?
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<Degi> Oh neat, the program even calculates the cost.
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<mxshift> Degi: chassis punch
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<tnt> Degi: yeah, that's the EU site. (and the one I actually used since I'm in EU).
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<azonenberg> Day two of stackup design for my upcoming project
<azonenberg> Three sonnet bugs reported so far :p
<azonenberg> (one of which is already root caused and has a fix pending)
<azonenberg> also someone-else: mouser got back to me with an update on the order
<azonenberg> The new estimated ship date is "will advise"
<azonenberg> They're waiting to hear back from Vishay on an ETA
<someone-else> oh well
<azonenberg> I still plan to start R&D on the AKL-PT5 assuming i will get them eventually
<azonenberg> I'll just use a lecroy tip resistor for initial testing
<someone-else> sounds good
<someone-else> avnet lists 100 as min order, perhaps mouser's 1 is an error
<azonenberg> Mouser is probably just going to buy 100 and sell me 10 then keep the rest on the shelf
<someone-else> at least if they don't plan on stocking a lot
<azonenberg> that's what distributors do
<azonenberg> most stuff has a 1-reel MOQ from the vendor
<azonenberg> in any case, if these are what i think they are
<azonenberg> buying 100 might not be a horrible idea
<someone-else> could be
<someone-else> or perhaps there's alumina shortage now too :-)
<someone-else> vishay's out
<azonenberg> Lol possible :p
<azonenberg> anyway my plan is to pair with a SMT SMPM connector, some FC / CH series resistors, then the tip resistor and see what I can come up with
<azonenberg> The other thing I want to explore long term is building a resistive probe that has a 50 ohm termination to Vddq at/near the tip
<azonenberg> behind the attenuator
<azonenberg> The use case is to avoid shifting the DC bias on a DDR RAM signal
<azonenberg> actually i'd be better off with a 500 ohm to vddq at the tip i think?
<azonenberg> anyway yeah, basically i want to counteract the 500 ohm loading to ground with an equal pull to vddq
<azonenberg> the thinking being that current sunk from the line is less of a big deal than shifting the DC offset on a SSTL signal
<azonenberg> I dont know if it will be necessary but i think i should at least spend some time simulationg
<someone-else> split termination with 2 100ohm resistors could also work
<someone-else> might even be easier than providing Vddq source with freq response flat to 10ghz
<someone-else> probe can then even have a Vddq input to connect to the board's source
<someone-else> I meant Vtt in some of the places above
<azonenberg> that was my plan, vddq input from the dut
<azonenberg> and its more complicated than that because the output of the probe is 50 ohm to the scope
<azonenberg> so there's 50 ohms to ground behind the resistive attenuator stage
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<azonenberg> the goal is to avoid introducing a dc bias into the dut pulling it away from vtt
<azonenberg> so if you add a second current path it can't be to vtt, it has to be to vddq to produce a thevenin equivalent of a load to vtt after including the 50 ohms to ground at the scope
<someone-else> yep, I meant split 2x 100ohm termination to gnd and vddq to produce vtt dc level
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<azonenberg> you cant have 100 to ground though
<azonenberg> you already have 50
<azonenberg> you can add parallel resistance to ground
<azonenberg> but you can't go above 50 total
<someone-else> why not?
<azonenberg> because the scope has a 50 ohm termination in it
<azonenberg> you can't remove that loading
<azonenberg> You can however put the terminator in the middle of, rather than at the end of, your tip resistors
<someone-else> attenuation factor would be 20:1 instead of 10:1 but otherwise it will work fine I think
<azonenberg> Say 400 series then a 50 up to vddq, 50 series, then 50 to ground at the scope
<azonenberg> 100 up to vddq*
<someone-else> ah, you also want to subtract the dc offset
<azonenberg> Yes that is the whole point
<azonenberg> i want the tip to be biased at vddq/2
<azonenberg> this would be specifically for probing SSTL signals
<azonenberg> without shifting the dc levels
<someone-else> but that's possible without *subtracting* the vtt bias
<someone-else> we can just pass it through to the scope
<someone-else> ah, I made a mistake in my math - for this split termination would need to be to vddq*2
<someone-else> or probe could have a single 50ohm resistor to vddq while scope will have 50ohm to gnd
<azonenberg> Exactly my point
<azonenberg> you cant have <50 to ground so you need 50 to vddq
<azonenberg> Unless you are OK with changing the attenuation
<azonenberg> in which case i think you can do some tricks in which you add the pullup before rather than after the attenuator
<azonenberg> hypothetical but hard to actually build example: 500 to vddq at the tip
<azonenberg> then 450 series, and 50 to ground at the scope
<azonenberg> now you have 500 up and 500 down, so thevenin equivalent of a 250 to vtt
<someone-else> sure
<someone-else> 20:1 version might have better SI though due to being source-terminated
<azonenberg> more realistically you'd have a value between 500 and 50 somewhere in the resistor string
<azonenberg> anyway, just an idea - the ground terminated version will come first
<someone-else> I think adding a dac to make this adjustable could also make it useful for diff serial data probing
<someone-else> to avoid upsetting common-mode voltage
<azonenberg> That would make sense to do at the diff amp though. not in the tip
<azonenberg> this immediate use case is for single ended passive probing
<azonenberg> in particular, validating DDR3L SI on this board
<someone-else> achieving 10-15ghz bw might be easier without the diff amp with two passive probes though
<azonenberg> I have a plan for a 10 GHz active diff probe now. the problem i'm facing is common mode voltage
<azonenberg> the amplifier in question has Vicm != Vocm
<azonenberg> but looks amazing otherwise
<someone-else> does it work well in diff->se mode?
<azonenberg> Good question :) That's a hard spec to find although i have some s-parameter data that looks encouraging
<someone-else> hope it works
<someone-else> I've decided to use a second scope channel instead for now :-)
<someone-else> also in the works: moving the sampler (with high-impedance input) into the solder-in probe :-)
<azonenberg> I have some fun ideas for a solder in differential probe too
<azonenberg> with amplifier on flex right by the tip
<someone-else> I have a flex board like that for lmh3401, will test it soon-ish
<someone-else> but it's still 500ohm impedance to ground
<someone-else> sampler-on-flex would avoid this completely with >10kohm input impedance
<someone-else> and 1:1 attenuation
<azonenberg> I was not impressed with lmhx401
<azonenberg> esp in diff to se mode
<azonenberg> ADL5569 is my current amplifier of choice for the diff probe R&D
<someone-else> I'm not very hopeful too, just added it to the flex panel since there was space available
<someone-else> ADL5569 is the same basic diff amp configuration though, might share the same shortcomings
<azonenberg> It has a much better P-to-N and N-to-P flatness in the published s2p's
<azonenberg> my problem is a reflection somewhere in my flex that i'm trying to investigate
<someone-else> hmm, interesting
<someone-else> flex before the amplifier or after?
<azonenberg> The AKL-AD3 has a rigid board with a SMA output, power input. voltag eregulators, and amplifier
<azonenberg> then a samtec LSHM connector that mates with a flex pcb that has the tip resistors
<azonenberg> it's a variable tip spacing differential browser probe
<azonenberg> there's a big notch in the response whose frequency is consistent with a round trip in the flex
<azonenberg> but i need to VNA the flex and amplifier separately
<azonenberg> designing such a test fixture has been on my todo for weeks and i've been too busy to touch it
<someone-else> right, so it's possibly related to amplifier input impedance
<someone-else> in my case the amplifier is <5mm from dut, so reflections there should not be a big problem
<someone-else> will report the test result when there are any
<azonenberg> yeah thats one reason i want to look into putting the amplifier right next to the dut
<someone-else> aand.. the lmh3401 results are in
<someone-else> azonenberg:
<someone-else> decidedly not flat, but ~8ghz bandwidth as TI promised
<someone-else> 5ghz hump is in the same place as in the datasheet, but higher (~10db)
<someone-else> might have something to do with input impedance being different (470ohm resistors)
<someone-else> pic above is single-ended signal with the other input grounded
<someone-else> switching inputs around doesn't change anything, so amp behaviour is pretty symmetric wrt outputs
<someone-else> so I'm actually impressed - with some DSP correction this would be a workable ~8GHz diff probe with $30 bom
<someone-else> also quite flat up to 2GHz same as the datasheet implies usable range is
<someone-else> remaining question is measuring diff bandwidth and seeing if there are any surprises compared to se measurements
<azonenberg> Nice. I wonder how hard correction in the analog domain to at least somewhat flatten the hump would be
<azonenberg> just to improve dynamic range after de-embed
<someone-else> probably not very hard
<someone-else> a cap on the output and maybe some pcb magic
<someone-else> decreasing input resistor value would probably help as well
<someone-else> *values
<Degi> Can we have a digitally adjustable equalizer on the probe?
<someone-else> no
<Degi> awwh
<someone-else> sorry
<someone-else> perhaps if you port glscopeclient to the probe..
<someone-else> * purchases the remaining LMH3401 stocks