<j4cbo> some common 48v-nominal rails are actually 57v - in particular, 802.3bt PoE specifies 52.0-57.0
yeah, 48V is where the gap between "nominal rail voltage" and "lead acid charge voltage required for that nominal rail voltage" really becomes significant
very WIP, only the first section or so is mostly done
I plan to offer this as a half-day in person class at my place once the covid situation improves a bit, consisting of both lecture and lab components
the lecture materials will be published in some form, i may or may not actually film the class
the scope screenshot shows loading of a 10x passive probe on a DUT, as compared to the original signal
And the glscopeclient view is my mathematical model of the probe loading (slightly transformed VNA measurement of the probe's S11) applied to a unit step
Which looks... pretty close
This puts me one step closer to being able to back out probe loading from a measurement
so I can not only de-embed the forward path gain of the probe (seeing what the signal at the probe tip looked like *when i took the measurement*)
I will also be able to de-embed the probe loading response, seeing what the signal at the probe tip *would have looked like without the probe*
This of course doesn't avoid any heisenbugs caused by you introducing glitches and non-monotonic edges with the probe, as shown here
but if you don't distort the signal enough to change the DUT's visible behavior, you can at least get a better view of signal integrity by removing the probe loading
I think they apply mainly for the part about releasing the slides online, separate from the course, since most of the points can be explained during the course itself
my comment about slide 32 might also be wrong, but I think it isn't :p
azonenberg: re your probing slides - what is the expected audience? are they expected to be familiar with a vna, s11, s21, but don't know details about scope probing?
it is a bit hard for me to imagine that group. usually you have some experience with scopes and other gear before you begin using a vna
another example for rc-probe loading you could show is an crystal oscillator: measure the output frequency without probes, then touch the rc probe on one of the pins of the crystal
Or maybe a LC oscillator
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electronic_eel: yes that will be part of the lab
measure with an active probe then the rc probe
electronic_eel: I'm probably going to include a short s-parameter primer at some point
specifically because a lot of people might not have that background
But yeah, the point of the lab is going to be working through a bunch of real world examples of using different kinds of probes
The other thing i'm going to do is sneak in the Pico TA061, the awful transmission line probe with heavy loading
not tell them what it is
and ask them to, based on studying its behavior, figure out what it is and what the major non-idealities are
oh, about the heisenbugs: there is another category: it does not work without probing and does not work with probing too - but probing adds a completely different kind of failure mode. so you might go hunt a completely unrelated problem
Got a good example of that?
one thing i want to try and do is design a system where the glitch introduced by the R-C probe on a fast edge breaks it
then instrument the whole thing with a better probe and let them watch the heisenbug happen
for example when you probe the crystal oscillator and that causes the oscillator to stop oscillating at all
Oh, yeah good point
if the oscillator is affected by this depends on the phase reserves the circuit has. you can deliberately reduce the reserves by adding a resistor in the path between output and crystal
this resistor is often there to limit the power that the crystal is driven with to prevent damage. but you can further increase it
ooh i like it
yeah being able to design one board with a lot of different types of probe target would be nice
I also just ordered a couple of DS125DF111s
They're 2 channel retimers with PRBS generation
So i can easily generate high speed, say 10.3125 Gbps, signals with just a cheap micro and that part, no FPGA needed
plus it's dual channel so i can do various fun things to it
I also want to include something that demonstrates power rail noise and its impact on frequency
easiest option will probably to be to use the stm32's internal RC oscillator as well
then add a refclk output from the stm32
So we can plot frequency vs voltage
i just have to figure out how to inject some power rail noise into it
i don't know how good the internal rc of the stm32s are filtered. wouldn't it be better to build just a basic oscillator yourself for that? like with a 74lvc1gu04 and a crystal
or r/c combination instead of a crystal
then add add psu noise and measure phase noise / jitter with a spectrum analyzer
then i just have to figure out how to add the noise
I want a demo of a power rail probe being used to look at a noisy PSU and how the PSU noise alters the oscillator frequency
so you'd have one scope channel on the osc output and one on the power rail and correlate
you could use your signal generator to generate defined noise levels. best way to couple them into a power rail is probably with a small transformer, to take care of the impedance mismatch
a capacitor may also work
Hmm, yeah I guess i could just use the SSG to inject the noise
I wont need a lot of power if i'm just injecting it into a single oscillator for demo purposes
For testing purposes the noise will probably just be a fairly low freq sine or square wave
using the LFO on the SSG
you could create a defined noise shape
What i'm looking for is a recreation of a bug a friend had years ago with a spartan-6 DCM
where psu noise made it glitch faster than the control loop could compensate and cause huge shifts in the output
so i think short pulses of dipped vdd makes the most sense
an ac coupled squarewave should do that nicely
just add a proper filter between the output of the voltage regulator and the point you couple the noise in. lc filters usually work well on power supplies
yeah i was thinking of having a separate LDO driving the DUT, with a ferrite chip between LDO and DUT
then a slightly-too-small bypass cap on the other side of the ferrite
vup2 is now known as vup
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Hello there o/
So, I successfully installed glscope and built the picobridge
Then I started the bridge, the sope clicked happyly, and I tried in the cliend to connect to a pico through LAN (i guess) providing as an address
And it worked without complain, but I see nothing
Does the process seems right ?
So it connected, you see the serial number in the title bar and it detected all of the channels?
By "you see nothing" you mean a blank plot without waveforms?
Dumb, question, but do you have a userguide laying around ?
There is a manual, yes. It's not finished
that's a live url i periodically upload new versions to
Nice !
it will be hosted somewhere more formal (i.e. outside /temp/) when we have an official release
I'll look at it a bit more and let you know if I still struggle
anyway, most likely what's going on is that the scope isn't triggering so you have nothing to see
the OEM picoscope software runs with no trigger out of the box, free-running and capturing whatever
seems legit
glscopeclient connects to a new instrument using whatever the default / previously set trigger is and arms it
but hitting "start" does nothing
the default in the libscopehal picoscope driver is, iirc, a 0V edge trigger on channel A
So if you don't have a suitable signal it will just sit around and wait for one to show up
Which should trigger, in this case
Try hitting the force trigger button on the toolbar (third from left)
actually i dont remember if i implemented that in the pico driver
Still nothing (and it seems that I zoomed in the time >.<)
Go to setup|trigger and play around a bit there
baby is crying a bit, have to go deal with that
So, I saw some stuff moving, kind of
I have quite a fex PicoOscilloscope::CanEnableChannel: Unknown ADC mode warnings from the client though
That sounds like the client and server are losing sync. I have some bugs around that i'm still chasing
I also get some OpenCL error: clCreateKernel (-46)
(Anyway, the picoscope model is Unknown, so those issues are to be expected)
Warning: Unknown PicoScope model "3405DMSO"
If I somehow can help you to debug by providing error messages and such, please let me know =)
ok so... you have a couple of different things going on
first off, it seems the 3000 series code in glscopeclient wasn't merged yet? i could have sworn it was, the bridge side is
noopwafel was working on that but is AFK
but that shouldn't break much
since the bridge handles most of the hardware abstraction. It just means you might not have the digital channels working
which I don't use here, so that's ok
also setting sample rate/depth possibly wouldn't work
since that requires a model specific table in the driver
it doesn't
That's easy to add support for though
The OpenCL error CL_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME might be related to my experimental OpenCL renderer under development
i'll look into that, but unless you manually went into preferences and selected the OpenCL renderer it's harmless
all of the OpenCL code has fallbacks to non-accelerated or OpenGL paths
So I think the big problem you're getting is the client and server desynchronizing. Is there any useful output on the bridge side?
also try running both glscopeclient and bridge with --debug
No output on the bridge side, trying with debug
Oh, dumb question, I have a X10 probe, should I put 10 or 0,1 as Attenuation ?
It kindda react as expected
So, somehow, it started working
Oh ! If I vertically zoom on the trace B, everything stops (as in pause) until I change the vertical zoom of the probe A (which is the trigger source)
Hmmm weird. I changed the trigger source and now, it seems that is triggers correctly but doesn't output any significative data
Sounds like there's still some bugs to work out
I will say, the triggering is done on the digitized data
so if your attenuation is mismatched (put 10 for a 10x probe - it's attenuation factor not gain)
then your trigger won't be at the level you think it is
And if you're zoomed out way too far, you might not have enough ADC codes difference between your low and high level to trigger at all
Auto trigger would make some of this setup work easier, there's a pending ticket for it
it will just take some back-end work to make that functional
and i have dozens of other things to work on and not enough engineering time :)
Indeed !
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In this situation, the point is that between the moment it worked and when it stopped working, I haven't touched the attenuation factor. So it's a bit strange.
The easiest way to check for a de-sync - which i suspect is happening but am not sure of the root cause for yet, i've been chasing an intermittent bug related to it
is to add some debug code to PicoOscilloscope::AcquireData after the read of "config" on line 476
actually better, after the read of memdepth on 485
and print out the memory depth
in the client ?
and see if you get sane values
if you start seeing garbage the protocol state machine desynced somehow
use LogDebug(), LogWarning, LogError(), etc functions from logtools
they have the same semantics as printf but respect verbosity settings, redirection, etc
I'm on baby duty right now so cant spend too much time debuggin
indeed !
she gets antsty if i sit down for too long while holding her
I'm in no urgent need anyway, no problem =)
Yeah understood. I just want to get the pico driver production ready before the 0.1 release
and i know it's not yet
Hmm what should I print in there ?
Well, actually, don't mind, I'm a bit tired today and don't know well enough your codebase to start today. I'll get a look in few days if I have the time (and the motivation ^^' )
(Also I don't have a proper setup to code on it atm)
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electronic_eel: for what it's worth, I am an EE student and will start my last year next year. I learned S-parameters, but never got into probes; most of the HF stuff we messed around with just used a connector and a cable directly instead
oh, talking about the pico bridge, i've hackily added support for another one of the pico sdks to the bridge, as my hackspace has a slightly older ps that wasn't supported by the bridge before