<tnt> Is there an easy way to overlay traces from different triggers ?
<tnt> My use case is that I don't have enough channels ( or rather not enough probes or enough hands to hold them ). So what I end up doing is choosing a signal that's "stable" as trigger and then I sequentially probe signal 2/3/4/5/6/.... while generating a pattern that repeats.
<tnt> And ideally I'd like to see 2/3/4/5/6 on the same graph, possibly even running decoder on that.
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tnt: Better support for pulling historical waveforms onto the display, and even allowing filters to use old waveforms as input, is planned
But not currently supported
right now you can only view a single trigger's state at once
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[stm32-cpp] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/JicQR
[stm32-cpp] azonenberg 44d4878 - STM32F777 CRYP support
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<dannas> Continuing my tiny steps, exploring glscopeclient. Opened the demo scope, null transport and did a small monkey test. Randomly selected the Clock Jitter filter and got a sigsegv. The FlowGraphNode has only one vector of StreamDescriptors has one null channel.
<dannas> What I'm actually trying to do, is replicated a crash I saw yesterday where the log said something about wayland. I'm curious if there is some part of glscopeclient which doesn't work with my dont-choke-on-glew-errors patch.
<dannas> I was randomly selecting some filters and now I can't remember which one it was that triggered that wayland-related log message followed by a crash
<dannas> restarts glscopeclient and continous testing filters on the demo scope waveforms.
massi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<dannas> Oh, there's another crash, but this time in WaveformArea::BinarySearchForGequal. Maybe these kind of errors is not worth mentioning. I guess the demo scope is just there for demonstrational purposes and hasn't been hardened for bad input.
<dannas> Seems to be the same kind of thing. A StreamDescriptor has a channel that is null. The search for the wayland-related crash continues...
<dannas> Nope, can't reproduce the crash with the wayland log message.
<dannas> finds a Rigol MSO1104. Wonder if glscopeclient works with it? Not listed in the manual, but worth a shot.
<dannas> Oh, one of these kind of days. I can connect to the Rigol MSO1104 over LXI. GLScopeclient enables all four channels and configures them, but before any waveforms has been displayed on the PC, glscopeclient crashes. in AcquireData.
<dannas> I'm not familiar with the protocol but it looks like the configuration stages goes ok but then it chokes when it's times to retrieve the data.
<dannas> The len field is 1200. The buffer is supposed to be far larger than that. Oh well, It's probably something very obvious, but I'm just a little hungry and tired right now.
<dannas> heads home from the office.
dannas: the demo scope should work reliably
if it does not, it's a bug and should be reported/investigated
any crash in general is worth writing up. filters should detect invalid input and produce no output, which is a legal state for the system