azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<sajattac1> o/
<sajattac1> ack I left another session connected so my nick is borked
<sajattac1> oh wait is this bridged to esden's discord? that would be more convenient than ssh'ing to my pc from my phone to run irssi
<sajattac1> hmm seems like two separate channels
<sajattac1> anyway I bought an SDS1104X-E and I'm ready to #hacktheplanet
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<sajattack[m]> Matrix bridge work?
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<sajattack[m]> Ahh that's better
<azonenberg> sajattack[m]: Yes, it's bridged to 1bitsquared
<sajattack[m]> Doesn't seem to work
<azonenberg> Looks like the bridge bot (d1b2) is down
<azonenberg> It normally is bridged though
<sajattack[m]> Ok
<sajattack[m]> Well matrix is just as good for me
<azonenberg> Re Siglent scope support, mubes (who seems to be offline at the moment) is our lead dev for the Siglent driver. I'm not sure how well it works as I don't have one myself
<azonenberg> But by all means start playing with it
<sajattack[m]> This is a bit offtopic but what's your association with BACnet? I see you have a tools repo
<azonenberg> Encountered it on a project at work and started writing some little utilities for messing with the protocol
<azonenberg> I don't recall getting very far
<azonenberg> might pick it up if i do another project involving it
<sajattack[m]> Mm, I work for a Building Automation System company
<azonenberg> Oh cool. My day job is embedded systems security so I get stuff from all over the spectrum - consumer IoT to SCADA to automotive to medical
<azonenberg> When i see a new protocol I often write tooling for it, some of the glscopeclient protocol decodes were originally written for use on work projects
<sajattack[m]> Neat
<azonenberg> (although work doesn't actually pay me to work on the project)
<azonenberg> i know i wrote the SPI flash decode to analyze memory access patterns of a secure boot implementation
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<azonenberg> Also, I'm starting to play a bit with the LFO on the SSG. This is something TSP didn't get to exercise much in his review
<azonenberg> so far my first complaint is that it lets you specify output levels in dBm, Vpp, or W (or SI prefixess thereof)
<azonenberg> however it does not let you do Vrms
<fridtjof[m]> I know it' s probably going to require a little more effort to get running properly, but I recently tried building scopehal for macOS and found some minor issues that broke the build. glscopeclient fails to load a test data session in the end due to aligned_malloc complaining (???), but that's a different issue
<fridtjof[m]> would a patch to fix those minor build issues be appreciated currently?
<azonenberg> fridtjof[m]: Patches to build libscopehal and libscopeprotocols on other platforms are definitely welcome. xzcv... i forget his nick, but he was working on BSD/OSX support a while back. seems to have dropped off the radar a bit
<azonenberg> glscopeclient itself is going to take more work to get running on mac, in large part due to the opengl rendering issues we discussed previously
<azonenberg> the remainder of the UI shouldnt be that much work to port
<fridtjof[m]> yeah, I've had the UI running already, but never got to see any waveforms. there's some issue with loading a scope session that makes it crash
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<azonenberg> Interesting
<azonenberg> Well as you can tell from the github tracker there's a lot of things to do still :)
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<_whitenotifier-1> [scopehal] fridtjof forked the repository -
<_whitenotifier-1> [scopehal] fridtjof opened pull request #513: Small Darwin build fixes -
<azonenberg> Will have a look shortly
<azonenberg> Not sure if you were around when i mentioned but i'm dealing with a six week old baby so my time for glscopeclient hacking now is a bit more limited
<fridtjof[m]> yeah, i figured from your twitter :)
<fridtjof[m]> I'll follow up with a tiny -apps change later, basically just matching against AppleClang besides Clang
<azonenberg> But yes, we need a full rewrite of the renderer to work on osx
<azonenberg> Ultimately i think we will be best served with three separate renderers
<azonenberg> and preferences plus autodetection to decide which to use
<azonenberg> the current compute shader based one for best performance
<azonenberg> something using a less performant opengl or opencl renderer to still get some acceleration on older hardware or apple platforms
<azonenberg> and then Cairo as a fallback that we know will run on anything
<electronic_eel> damn, seems like i just fried the input of my spectrum analyzer
<azonenberg> o_O
<azonenberg> what'd you do?
<electronic_eel> i was doing emi precompliance testing. i disconnected the psu of the dut and then reconnected it. seems like the spike during reconnecting it did it
<azonenberg> oof
<azonenberg> good luck, is it something you can still get spare parts/service for?
<electronic_eel> i is (was?) a siglent SSA3000X. the datasheet is a bit vague about the damage level
<electronic_eel> "33 dBm, fc≥10 MHz, attenuation >20 dBm, preamp off"
<electronic_eel> i had the attenuator at 0 and the frequency was probably below 10 MHz
<electronic_eel> i remember chatting with someone either here or on some other irc channel who had a very similar problem
<electronic_eel> so next thing i'll do is a bit of search in my chat logs. i vaguely remember that they said they were able to fix it by replacing some damaged component
<azonenberg> if nothing else i'm sure siglent support can help but they'll probably charge $$$ for the repair
<electronic_eel> i'm not sure if they do component level repair. they will probably just change the whole rf board
<electronic_eel> it is a 3-board design, one board rf, one board processor, one board tracking gen.
<electronic_eel> so it will probably be $$$
<azonenberg> LeCroy does component level repair on their stuff, I know for a fact
<azonenberg> They swapped some relays on my SDA as part of the refurb when I got it
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<electronic_eel> i guess i found what i was looking for:
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<_whitenotifier-1> [scopehal-apps] fridtjof forked the repository -
<_whitenotifier-1> [scopehal-apps] fridtjof opened pull request #390: Set Clang specific parameters for Apple Clang too -
<_whitenotifier-1> [scopehal-apps] fridtjof edited pull request #390: Set Clang specific parameters for Apple Clang too -
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