azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<azonenberg> So here for example we can see that the DUT (Mini-Circuits 086-3SM+ plus a SMA F-F adapter) has uncalibrated insertion loss of -0.476 dB
<azonenberg> at 1 GHz
<azonenberg> This is quite a bit more than the minicircuits typical value of 0.07 dB but that doesnt include the adapter, and this is uncalibated
<azonenberg> It looks like the phase shift is roughly 428 ps (this is measuring by hand on one cycle of the waveform, not using FFT phase as i don't currently display that)
<azonenberg> The cable is 3" long and has solid PTFE dielectric which has a velocity factor of 0.695, and the measured phase shift comes out to 3.5 inches at that velocity factor
<azonenberg> Which lines up perfectly adding in the connectors
<azonenberg> I think I'm going to spend a little while tonight writing some code to crunch things then see if I can actually spit out a touchstone file
<azonenberg> even if it only has like 20 points that i manually reconfigured the pico generator between
<azonenberg> it will be nice to ground truth my experiment
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<_whitenotifier-1> [stm32-cpp] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±5]
<_whitenotifier-1> [stm32-cpp] azonenberg 73e2367 - Initial STM32 RNG support
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<d1b2> <Chuck> Does building glscopeclient actually need cmake 3.14 (I've got 3.10 installed) ?
<azonenberg> @chuck: You can try, I think what probably happened is I wrote earlier versions with like 3.3
<azonenberg> then needed a more recent feature and specified whatever i had installed at the time
<azonenberg> without checking the true minimum
<azonenberg> but if it doesn't work that's probably why
<d1b2> <Chuck> well we'll see after the other updates process on my ubuntu box.
<azonenberg> If not, building cmake from source is quite simple
<azonenberg> i've done it in the past when i needed some newer feature on an old debian system
<miek> the commit that updated it last said "Updated CMake minimum version to 3.14 since build fails on 3.13"
<d1b2> <Chuck> I know, the challenge becomes now you have 2 cmakes on the system or you pkg remove the old one and the package manger keeps trying to re-add it because it doesn't know you installed one from source 🙂
<azonenberg> lol yeah thankfully few if any packages depend on cmake
<d1b2> <Chuck> Well I have to find catch2 and build it from source. (the worst one (for me) is gnuradio)
<azonenberg> But yeah if it actually needs 3.14 then too bad
<azonenberg> gnuradio is a nightmare lol
* monochroma points to containers / chroots for dealing with customized/specific build environments
<d1b2> <Chuck> yeah, containers, a solution born of desperation 🙂
<_whitenotifier-1> [stm32-cpp] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-1> [stm32-cpp] azonenberg 21275e4 - Added EDMA.DMASR register fields