Hmm, i'm getting an annoyingly frequent crash
seems to happen when i drag the trigger position bar, but only in some situations
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #389: Crash in WaveformArea::DoRenderCairoOverlays() on line 372 - https://git.io/J2XqR
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #389: Crash in WaveformArea::DoRenderCairoOverlays() on line 372 - https://git.io/J2XqR
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #389: Crash in WaveformArea::DoRenderCairoOverlays() on line 372 - https://git.io/J2XY1
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/J2Xn2
[scopehal] azonenberg c9cb937 - Fixed typo in comment
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/J2Xcj
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 63213eb - Fixed bug at large zoom levels
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg ab9788b - Don't try to render trigger info if there's no scope attached to the current channel. Fixes #389.
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #389: Crash in WaveformArea::DoRenderCairoOverlays() on line 372 - https://git.io/J2XqR
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[scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #512: FFTFilter results with and without OpenCL do not agree - https://git.io/J2jMP
[scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #512: FFTFilter results with and without OpenCL do not agree - https://git.io/J2jMP
So now that i'm looking at output from this signal generator in glscopeclient i am seeing slight mismatches in results between what i expect and what i actually get
Three different issues to account for
1) the LeCroy specan reports the center peak of the signal at almost exactly 1 GHz
I see it at 999.9225 MHz which is a fair bit off
That's 77.5 kHz off. And the FFT bin size for this config is 596 Hz
So i'm about 130 bins off where I should be
2) the actual amplitude of the incident signal is 0 dBm through two FL086-24SM+ cables, a SMA-SMA coupler, a SMA-BNC adapter, and a SMA-N adapter
-2.7dBm seems reasonable through these cables and adapters, -9 not
The cables have 0.39 dB insertion loss at 1 GHz, times two is about 0.8 dB, adding in losses from the couplers and such the -2.7 dBm amplitude reported by the scope specan sounds reasonable for the peak
considering also there is some content outside the peak
But yes, the peak amplitude I'm getting seems way off
Interestingly, it seems to vary with the record length
as an example, I changed the config to 2.5 megasamples at 5 Gsps, which is a 1.192 kHz RBW
I now measure -3.5 dBm for the peak while the lecroy specan reports -3.8, which is far more reasonable
and more importantly, the integrated in-band power glscopeclient reports is -0.9 dBm
Which is almost exactly what I calculate I should be seeing
Conjecture: when my record length is not a power of two I zero-pad
I probably need to correct for that because the overall energy in the FFT input is reduced by this
i bet i need to scale by the number of FFT input samples that actually contain data vs the number of FFT bins
3) the LeCroy specan output has nice smooth curves while I have a scalloped-looking pattern
also interesting that I am reporting RBW of exactly half what the lecroy fft calculates
These might be connected
Like, to five significant digits
So I guess the question is, how am i doing a fft of the same size, on the same data, using the same window function, and getting such dramatically different results?
Stary_ is now known as Stary
It looks like they might be doing some kind of averaging or postprocessing
Unless they're truncating rather than zero padding the input
Yeah, it looks a lot better padded. interesting
And truncated I get results more like what they do
hmm, does it fix the frequency offset you were getting?
Still working on that bit
i thought maybe i had an off by one from the DC bin
but it looks like more than that
I'm adding a config option to let you zero pad or truncate
so we'll see what that does and move from there
But yeah i did not realize zero padding would give me such an awful lookng spectrm
So I still have a frequency offset for my center point, but the RBW and peak amplitude as well as the general spectrum shape line up very nicely with the lecroy specan
(still using rectangular window for this screenshot just to do apples to apples)
are you applying the window function before or after padding?
Kinda simultaneous
it copies and windows in one operation and anything off the end of the window kernel gets zeroed out
but i'm in the process of double checking i scale the window correctly for the input size
anyway that last screenshot is a rectangular window in truncate mode
rather than zero padding
so any impact of padding and windowing is removed from the equation
now i get very close to what the lecroy specan does except for the offset on the center point
It looks like I've got a constant offset of two frequency bins which i think is related to the DC offset
but i'm double checking that
aha, i've got two separate bugs it looks
1) yes, I didn't account for the DC offset so every bin was one less than it should have been
2) peak detection seems to be reporting a location one bin left of where it should
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±5] https://git.io/JaILi
[scopehal] azonenberg 6bf5c2b - FFTFilter: added options for both truncation and zero padding. Fixed a bunch of bugs in normalization and peak location. Fixes #512.
[scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #512: FFTFilter results with and without OpenCL do not agree - https://git.io/J2jMP
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/JaIqo