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<TimMc> LyreCalliope[m]: I imagine you'd have to throw away and rebuild the model any time someone revoked their consent. (Also, you wouldn't be able to enforce that.)
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<xet7> It's now possible to build WeKan with Meteor 2.11 directly on arm64 like Asahi Ubuntu M1/M2, OrangePi, RasPi4:
<xet7> It would be possible to add more CPUs like s390x, ppc64le, etc where Node.js and MongoDB exists
<xet7> Now that I figured how to build with Meteor on other CPUs
<xet7> Currently I build for Linux amd64/arm64/s390x and Windows amd64
<xet7> With build-bundle scripts at
<xet7> By modifying Linux amd64 bundle on other CPUs
<xet7> this new way just adds possibility to build bundle directly on other CPUs
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