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<koo5__> so...all these "last updated 2017" apps on .. what's up with that?
<ocdtrekkie> Just apps the original packager isn't maintaining and which nobody has stepped up to take over. Because of our security model, they are all safe to use.
<ocdtrekkie> I am working on the first big WordPress package update in a while personally.
<koo5__> fair fair
<ocdtrekkie> Yeah we've got that one on our radar.
<isd> The significance of 2017 being that's when sandstorm-the-business went under, and packages maintained by employees lost their maintainers.
<koo5__> i see
<koo5__> so you should turn this into a frontpage feature: a selection of finely-aged web apps, still completely secure!
<ocdtrekkie> Heh, I'm not sure it's exactly a selling point that the apps are finely aged, but the part about them being secure anyways is. Also, we have Google Wave, which is just great for comedic sharing. ;)
<ocdtrekkie> There are several older apps that also just... were pretty much complete. Some are Sandstorm-specific and have no known need for repair. =)
<isd> Yeah, I don't really expect TextEditor to ever need to be updated
<ocdtrekkie> But occasionally we need something with a little newer polish and go and repackage it. Ian did a fresh MediaWiki package not too long ago, I'm doing WordPress now.
<ocdtrekkie> I still love TextEditor and there's literally no notes, nothing to fix. It's perfect as is.
<isd> Ug, we still need to figure out the PHP update
<ocdtrekkie> Yeah I know, that's supposed to be on me to learn how these Nixpkgs work. I am unsure I will be able to take it, but I should at least confirm whether or not I can look at it (dev machine RAM, really) or not.
<isd> I could probably figure it out, but it seemed like a good opportunity to spread the knowledge of how to use tools that should make packaging things easier going forward.
<ocdtrekkie> I feel like maybe I shouldn't be a blocker if you want to take a pass at it, but I can at least check if I can build it this week.
<isd> I've got many other things on my plate; I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to do this. So don't worry that you're blocking me.
<ocdtrekkie> okay :)
<LyreCalliope[m]> If an admin of an instance deletes a user, do all their grains get deleted?
<ocdtrekkie> Yes, after like a seven day window.