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<tian2992> hello yall
<ocdtrekkie> hey!
<tian2992> i've been running an instance for quite a while
<tian2992> and i've been eager to fix the Wordpress pod
<tian2992> but i just get a bit blocked on the way each time
<tian2992> i'm aware of some of the work already done and how would that fit, specially on wordpress auth and the plugins already developed
<tian2992> but my main blocker is the need to convert the whole thing to a diff rather than jsut a fork of old WP 4
<ocdtrekkie> I'm currently working on WordPress, though I probably wasn't going to tackle rearchitecting how it is built.
<ocdtrekkie> (I'm a bit scared, tbh, it's a very messy package.)
<tian2992> yes
<tian2992> i mean i have thought about it so far but i usually dont get too far after creating the diff
<tian2992> a few files are clearly just drop ins
<tian2992> but the changes are subtle when changing versions and so on
<ocdtrekkie> Have you seen my experimental update with network access?
<tian2992> nope
<tian2992> plz share
<tian2992> network access is hard
<ocdtrekkie> I can't push it to the market until the app index is updated.
<ocdtrekkie> But it's the same 4.9.8 version of WordPress for the moment, but it can make outgoing network requests, so you can do things like update plugins.
<ocdtrekkie> And importing from another WordPress can successfully import media as well.
<ocdtrekkie> Note that it's a bit spammy with requests for network access at first, we've fixed that, but I haven't packed a new release with that fix.
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<TimMc> isd: Hmm, were you the one thinking about making CSP requests turn into Powerbox requests? It turns out there's a JS API for capturing and responding to violations.
<ocdtrekkie> I don't think it was explicitly powerbox requests, but the idea was for remote image loading to block by default, but present a button to unblock them.
<ocdtrekkie> And yeah, that's Ian.
<TimMc> Oh yeah, I guess the powerbox wouldn't need to be involved if it was just per-user.
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<isd> Yep. Link to the API? that might work better; I found out when I was fussing with it that uBlock origin disables CSP reports :/
<TimMc> Ugh, yeah, I forgot that it does that by default. :-(
<TimMc> Yeah, that's the one!
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