I can't push it to the market until the app index is updated.
But it's the same 4.9.8 version of WordPress for the moment, but it can make outgoing network requests, so you can do things like update plugins.
And importing from another WordPress can successfully import media as well.
Note that it's a bit spammy with requests for network access at first, we've fixed that, but I haven't packed a new release with that fix.
isd: Hmm, were you the one thinking about making CSP requests turn into Powerbox requests? It turns out there's a JS API for capturing and responding to violations.
I don't think it was explicitly powerbox requests, but the idea was for remote image loading to block by default, but present a button to unblock them.
And yeah, that's Ian.
Oh yeah, I guess the powerbox wouldn't need to be involved if it was just per-user.
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Yep. Link to the API? that might work better; I found out when I was fussing with it that uBlock origin disables CSP reports :/
Ugh, yeah, I forgot that it does that by default. :-(