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<ocdtrekkie> Read a bit, sounds like they transitioned to inline SVGs over FontAwesome, which is great.
<ocdtrekkie> But it means I'll need to re-hack up our theme customizations probably.
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<ocdtrekkie> Fixed docs build! \o/
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<TimMc> "Hosting kit", I think that would be the term I'd use for a set of scripts for someone to use to host Sandstorm/whatever for 10-100 people.
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<falsifian> Currently using SandMD to collaboratively edit a rebuttle for a conference submission with my coauthors. It's working great!
<ocdtrekkie> Glad you like it! Not sure how big a difference the experience is, but I probably should point out HedgeDoc is a newer/currently maintained version of the same app.
<falsifian> Thanks ocdtrekkie, would have used it had I known. I didn't have a lot of time to research which one to use.
<ocdtrekkie> I don't know of any real problems with SandMD, but figured you might want to know for future uses. :)
<falsifian> Is it possible in theory to merge apps? E.g. in this case, add code to HedgeDoc to convert old SandMD grains, and have the owner of SandMD sign some record saying HedgeDoc counts as an upgraded version of SandMD.
<ocdtrekkie> Technically it might be plausible in SandMD and HedgeDoc's case. CodiMD, another variant of the same, would be much harder because it uses a different type of database.
<falsifian> I was more wondering if Sandstorm allows that kind of relationship between apps.
<ocdtrekkie> We can tell Sandstorm an app ID replaces another app ID, yes.
<falsifian> Cool!
<ocdtrekkie> But what I'd really like to do is at minimum have a way to mark deprecated apps in the store. We have a couple apps that were replaced, that nobody built any sort of conversion/upgrade process for. We have to list the old ones for people to restore old grains if they move servers, but we really shouldn't serve them to browsers of the market looking for new apps.
<ocdtrekkie> <- This is used to replace app keys. It essentially tells Sandstorm to treat both app IDs as belonging to the same app.
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> Hm 🤔
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> had some resources about how to handle orphaned packages
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> I wonder whether studying them would be of use here
<ocdtrekkie> We don't have a ton of process around deciding a package is abandoned. We are not large enough that the maintainers don't have more or less an understanding of every app in the store.
<falsifian> Seeing a deprecated mark would certainly have steered me away from SandMD. If the note had pointed to the replacement, even better.
<ocdtrekkie> But I'd definitely like to straight up hide apps we've fully superseded unless you are looking by app ID or performing a restoration.