havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.5 (3.4.0-preview1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<leftylink> hmm, so we have take_while, fine... I sort of have a need for a take_while_and_also_the_first_thing_that_didnt
<leftylink> maybe I just do a[..a.index { cond }]
<leftylink> that should be fine?
<leftylink> I guess that's a more sensible way to describe the thing I actually want anyway
<leftylink> since before it would be either `a.take_while { cond } + [a.find { !cond }]` or `(prefix = a.take_while { cond }) + [a[prefix.size]]` which if we're going to either of things we might as well just do `a[..a.index { !cond }]`
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<Common-Lisp> Is there a way to tell `gem install` to install a gem from a specific source?
<Common-Lisp> Or said another way, is there a way to tell `gem install` to not try rubygems.org as a gem source, for one invocation only?
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<weaksauce> Common-Lisp gem install --source should do it
<Common-Lisp> weaksauce: The documentation for that flag indicates that it just *adds* the server to the list of upstream servers, do I have that right?
<weaksauce> Common-Lisp i'm not sure. you could add a hosts file entry for rubygems.org to localhost to stop it from searching during that command
<weaksauce> or use bundler and point it at a url
<weaksauce> it will install it from a location and then you can just use it outside of bundler
<Common-Lisp> Is there a way to install something using bundler without a separate project and Gemfile?
<weaksauce> just make a folder, bundle init makesure you have the right ruby version and add the gem to the gemfile
<weaksauce> what are you trying to accomplish?
<Common-Lisp> I'm trying to test that my private gem server works in a ci/cd pipeline, basically
<Common-Lisp> So I'm just writing a script to try and verify that I can install a gem from this server
<weaksauce> gem install --source http://localhost rails just hangs for me so i don't think it fallsback to rubygems
<weaksauce> make a gem that doesn't exist on rubygems.org and install it from your server to test
<Common-Lisp> oh ok interesting, maybe the docs are misleading then, which is actually good for me!
<Common-Lisp> thank you!
<weaksauce> actually it was on my system ruby so that might not work Common-Lisp
<weaksauce> i just installed fish and hadn't setup rbenv yet
<Common-Lisp> oh no
<weaksauce> you could try `GEM_SOURCE=someserver gem install --verbose somegem` to see if it avoids rubygems.org
<Common-Lisp> it looks like it only hits rubygems.org, never my private server
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<Common-Lisp> Ok I guess there's a way to do this by manually deleting ~/.gemrc, which works in CI but makes it scary to test locally, lol
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