havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.5 (3.4.0-preview2) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<lunarkitty> Speaking of Python, I wonder why it became *so* popular?
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<llua> luck
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<konsolebox> lunarkitty: Python probably became more popular way earlier than Ruby.
<konsolebox> lunarkitty: A lot of people learn procedure-oriented programming easier than OOP as well.
<konsolebox> lunarkitty: It's probably also more practical to be used as an embeded scripting language over Ruby. Having it embedded in software like GIMP for example further boosts its popularity.
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<konsolebox> lunarkitty: The core libraries might be another factor as well. Python seems to have more stable ones.
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<konsolebox> lunarkitty: Despite what I said I still don't like Python. I just however wish Ruby has been more consistency-oriented than it already tries to be.
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<konsolebox> lunarkitty: The famous time to_s thread exposes what Matz prioritizes.
<o0x1eef> Yeah, I knew of Python before I knew of Ruby :) I even knew of it long before Django. It was starting to become known when Perl was at its most popular.
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<lunarkitty> idk I've always thought Ruby seemed a lot more consistent than Python, in a few ways
<o0x1eef> I've come to look at it like the ups and downs of life. Popularity seems to come in and go in phases. And then sometimes, languages go into obscurity. Probably fair to say PHP is close to that.
<konsolebox> lunarkitty: Stuff like this are an example: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/6509
<konsolebox> Although I have to review issue again.
<o0x1eef> konsolebox: That's an interesting change, thanks
<konsolebox> Not sure how that thread was resolved.
<konsolebox> While the guy was being difficult to deal with, he's got a point.
<o0x1eef> That's diffilcult to read. But I don't know what to say; it is okay to disgree, but how you do it is key
<konsolebox> Consistency is all that matters in my opinion.
<o0x1eef> Sure, but contributors will change over time, and they might have a different approach.
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<konsolebox> The problem is the longer you wait for a more sane library-based solution, the longer the critical issue stays.
<konsolebox> Core issues like that shouldn't be allowed to linger for a long time so people won't workaround on it.
<o0x1eef> TBH youre right, he has a point
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<lunarkitty> imo all well used langs have warts. No surprise to me Ruby has some
<lunarkitty> But I'd take some obscure nil edge cases over the weird half baked oop mess in python lol
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