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<araujo> Hello o/ , what is a good toolkit or framework for 2D development?
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<ih8u> araujo: can you be more specific?
<ih8u> 2d what?
<araujo> @ih8u: Sure, 2D animations, with buttons/labels, maybe some sprites and text manipulation too
<ih8u> games?
<ih8u> or application?
<ih8u> desktop? web?
<ih8u> libgdx/jruby
<araujo> games, ... desktop .. or web, both should be fine
<ih8u> libgdx/jruby
<araujo> Ok, I will check it out, Thanks!
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<DuckZ> hi, I have a string timestamp that I know to be in UK time, I want to create a DateTime object from it so I'm trying the .parse method but I'm missing the timezone part to build the parameter, is there an easy way to obtain it?
<DuckZ> or is there a better way to build my DateTime object?
<DuckZ> it can be Time or anything btw, it doesn't have to be DateTime
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<DuckZ> oh nvm, I think Time.new already guesses on its own
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