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<constxqt> just found out about catch/throw
<constxqt> that's crazy...
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<_0x1eef> IIRC that's how Pry exits the REPL. I've found it useful as well, usually when an error doesn't quite fit.
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<konsolebox> If you have a general Exception handler in the main function, you mostly would want SystemExit and Interrupt to be excluded from it.
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<konsolebox> Also any code that lazily just catches Exception is a sign of bad code writing.
<konsolebox> Even worse are those that don't handle exceptions at all.
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<_0x1eef> yolo
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<adam12> constxqt: catch/throw is used in Sinatra/Roda too, to exit nicely from a route block. Super handy.
<adam12> catch(:halt) { serve_request } essentially
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<_0x1eef> >> foo = catch(:abort) { throw(:abort, 123) }; foo
<ruby[bot]> _0x1eef: # => 123 (https://carc.in/#/r/gxdr)
<_0x1eef> Being able to pass something back can be handy too.
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<_0x1eef> >> catch(:abort) { }
<ruby[bot]> _0x1eef: # => nil (https://carc.in/#/r/gxds)
<_0x1eef> >> catch(:abort) { 123 }
<ruby[bot]> _0x1eef: # => 123 (https://carc.in/#/r/gxdt)
<_0x1eef> Seemingly the default is whatever the block returns
<_0x1eef> This returns a lot of hits in bundled gems: find ~/git/github.com/0x1eef/ -name *.rb -exec fgrep -rn throw {} \; ... minitest, activemodel, active record. It's way more used than I ever realized.
<_0x1eef> Sequel, too
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<adam12> Sometimes I use it in a deep iterator if I'm lazy.
<adam12> It'll yield an arg too which is handy. catch { |found| one.each { two.each { three.each { throw found, value if value == something } } }
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<konsolebox> Took me a bit to realize you guys weren't talking about exceptions. It's been a while since I used throw/catch. I used the pair once to imitate bash's continue 2 or break 2. It's unfortunate Ruby doesn't have that feature.
<konsolebox> Writing loop blocks as methods instead doesn't make the code simpler as you'll be forced to use a flag variable either way.
<adam12> konsolebox: These are lighter than exceptions. afaik, no stack trace is generated.
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