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<xkoncek> is there anything like lazy string interpolation in Ruby?
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<konsolebox> xkoncek: Don't know but another strategy to prevent interpolating everything at once is to also receive an optional composer block. I just wonder if Ruby has optimized that part already so procs don't have to be repeatedly compiled.
<konsolebox> xkoncek: It's helpful when passing a message to a logger function that could be disabled if function level is lower (or higher depending on the strategy) than the current logging level.
<xkoncek> maybe i'll go with the good ol' % substitution
<konsolebox> xkoncek: As an example, I could have log.debug{ "Exception received: #{ex.class.to_s}: #{ex.message}\nBacktrace: #{ex.backtrace.join("\n\t")}" }
<konsolebox> xkoncek: How does that make it lazy?
<xkoncek> what does the {} do in your case?
<konsolebox> xkoncek: That's a block.
<konsolebox> xkoncek: If debugging mode is enabled the proc block is called and the message gets composed. No composing happens if debugging is enabled since the block won't be called.
<konsolebox> xkoncek: However, if I call log.debug with a message parameter instead, the string is always composed.
<konsolebox> xkoncek: So it's not "lazy"
<xkoncek> so in my case, i did not exactly meant lazy, i meant deferred
<kjetilho> it's the same
<konsolebox> Why do you seek deferred?
<kjetilho> or what do you mean by deferred? it will not be evaluated before the value is needed.
<xkoncek> imagine something like this: func("manpage.adoc", ["asciidoctor", "-b", "manpage", "-D", "doc", $SOURCE])
<kjetilho> you want deferred *function* calls, not strings?
<xkoncek> the function call creates an object, and the actual substitution would happen later
<konsolebox> xkoncek: Substitution always happens when evaluated. Don't compose anything if keep the objects the way they are if you want to keep the composition of the string to be delayed. You can also utilize the strategy I mentioned above.
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<konsolebox> xkoncek: You can also try deferred object solutions like the use of observables which seems dead in Ruby: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxRuby. You'll want to switch to JS for that: https://github.com/reactivex/rxjs
<xkoncek> i found the `eval` function
<kjetilho> oh noes.
<konsolebox> xkoncek: That doesn't really make anything more efficient. Why not compose a proc?
<kjetilho> code blocks in Ruby is one of its best features
<konsolebox> xkoncek: Lookup Ruby lambdas. You might find them more appropriate for your use case.
<xkoncek> yeah so..., i tried something like this, seems like it will work https://paste.centos.org/view/48f89dd8
<xkoncek> and the syntax is... not the worst thing in the world
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<xkoncek> in the Ruby C API, how can i achieve converting a lambda to a block and instance_exec'ing it?
<xkoncek> lamb = ->{ puts @x }; instance_exec(&lamb)
<xkoncek> rb_obj_instance_exec uses the block passed to the current function
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<xkoncek> the answer is: use `rb_funcall_with_block`
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