havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.3, 3.2.4, 3.4.0-preview1 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<isf> hi
<isf> where is the best place to ask about gem?
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<weaksauc_> isf here i guess
<weaksauc_> or discord
<weaksauc_> or the gem's repo
<isf> discord is nonfree software, so I dont use it
<isf> weaksauc_: you know where is stored the programs we install with gem?
<weaksauc_> isf it depends
<isf> I use the GNU operating system
<weaksauc_> still depends
<weaksauc_> type `which some_program`
<weaksauc_> it will show you
<isf> neocities weaksauc_
<weaksauc_> what?
<isf> the program is called neocities
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<weaksauc_> go to the command line and type: which neocities
<isf> what is which? weaksauc_
<isf> what that program do?
<weaksauc_> it's a program that tells you where the exec is
<weaksauc_> man which
<isf> I dont have neocities already installed
<leftylink> I remember when I and the TA for the course I was taking had an interesting discussion about which
<leftylink> it could have been interesting to take his advice, though my life would have taken a different direction so who knows how that could hvae turned out
<leftylink> let us not forget `gem env | grep INSTALLATION`
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<leftylink> okay
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<moeSizlak> anyone here have an opinion of httpx ?
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<adam12> moeSizlak: I like it. I use it on most new projects.
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<havenwood> moeSizlak: There aren't a ton of Ruby HTTP clients with HTTP/2 support, but it's one of them.
<havenwood> The other two notable ones are Typhoeus (libcurl) and async-http.
<havenwood> Here's a spreadsheet that compares those three as well as some others: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vPlk6nMIFa3sI5ISl7zZ5r6lDNpVQX6Jxi3ksXCyVbs/edit?ouid=101326907353210064106
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<havenwood> I usually use async-http but httpx seems quite nice. The bit I've dabbled in it has been rewarding. Nice plugin system.
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<havenwood> I look forward to async-http's future with HTTP/3. Typhoeus will likely be able to piggyback on libcurl progress. I don't know how HTTPX will proceed, but hopefully there will be some good QUIC libraries it can use.
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<havenwood> Maybe HoneyriderChuck will use async-http's quic lib.
<havenwood> I don't think this one is going to get finished https://github.com/unasuke/raioquic
<havenwood> No commits recently, but I believe Ioquatix is working on it this year. https://github.com/socketry/protocol-quic
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<havenwood> moeSizlak: I'd consider it among the best Ruby HTTP clients with substantial benefits over stdlib Net::HTTP.
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