havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.1, 3.2.4, 3.4.0-preview1 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<adam12> Wow. Where'd all those 3.3.2 changes come from. I felt like things had been quiet recently.
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<stenno> good day, i understand that in ruby, 'operators' are basically just instance methods, e.g. 3.+(4) # 7
<stenno> now, what is '&&' ? it is not an instance method, and i cannot find the docs about it
<stenno> they are not operators, what are they? language constructs?
<stenno> can i therefore not override/overload && behaviour?
<adam12> stenno: They are Logical Operators. Ruby tokenizes them during parsing so they cannot be overloaded.
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<stenno> ah thanks
<stenno> so they behave like javascript &&,|| in that they don't return boolean but the respective truthy/falsy expression
<adam12> That sounds right.
<adam12> You can overload & and |, so somepeople cheat and use those methods instead as a "look alike"
<stenno> do you have an idea why && and || behave like this in ruby as opposed to other operators?
<adam12> ie. Sequel. Sequel.from(:widgets).select { (:foo =~ "foo") & (:bar =~ "bar") }
<stenno> hmm
<adam12> I'm not sure, tbh.
<stenno> ok, fair
<adam12> (you can't overload == either, so you can see =~ as the look-alike in Sequel)
<adam12> err, you can overload ==. sorry.
<stenno> =~ is pattern matching, right?
<adam12> It is normally pattern matching, but in this case I believe it's overloaded by Sequel DSL.
<stenno> so the Sequel overloaded =~ and & in your example?
<stenno> gotcha
<stenno> thanks!
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<leftylink> stenno: if && and || were methods, it would not be possible[1] to get short-circuiting for them
<leftylink> [1] well okay I guess it would be possible, but then rules would be inconsistent
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<leftylink> actually I haven't even checked the accuracy of that footnote. how would I implement such a thing
<leftylink> uh shit. I'm not sure how I'd do it other than to change the language to have non-strict eval like Haskell
<leftylink> okay maybe I'm going to revoke the footnote and just say it's not possible then
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<stenno> okay i see, because the right hand operand (i.e. the method argument) would be evaluated before it would be passed to the function
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