havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview2: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<Mindiell> hey again,
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<Mindiell> I'm trying to have exactly the same behavior than github pages, which uses ruby 2.7.3
<Mindiell> I'm with Debian sid but it seems I can't install ruby 2.7.3 nor 2.7.6
<Mindiell> any clue is welcome
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<Mindiell> using "rbenv insstall --list" I have the 2.7.6 listed
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<Mindiell> install 2.6.10 doesn't work too
<Mindiell> "make: *** [uncommon.mk:286 : build-ext] Error 2" <= and I don't understand the message
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<Mindiell> reading logs : I got a lot of warnings
<Mindiell> ah, found an error :
<Mindiell> ossl.c:311:9: error: ‘ERR_get_error_line_data’ is deprecated: Since OpenSSL 3.0 [-Werror=deprecated-declarations]
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<Mindiell> and for 2.7.6 :
<Mindiell> /tmp/ruby-build.20231105102308.2427559.F28zuC/ruby-2.7.6/lib/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:83:in `require': cannot load such file -- openssl (LoadError)
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<Mindiell> ok, I installed rbenv via git and older versions of ruby are not more listed (which is a shame for me actually).
<Mindiell> Trying to install 3.0.6 now
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<Mindiell> 3.0.6 : ok
<Mindiell> Trying 2.7.3 again :)
<Mindiell> It's a very difficult path
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<adam12> Mindiell: Try sharing the entire output of `rbenv install` in a github gist or something.
<adam12> Mindiell: and then there might be a error log that needs to be shared.
<adam12> Mindiell: OpenSSL is always an issue because they went 1.1 to 3 and broke a lot of things. rbenv/ruby-build should download and compile openssl for you but maybe that's not working correctly.
<adam12> Ruby 3.0.6 might support OpenSSL 3 directly
<adam12> Because you're on Debian Sid, maybe ruby-build doesn't know how to download the packages it needs correctly, or know how to detect your OS correctly.
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<Mindiell> adam12: everything is ok now, since I uninstalled rbenv from packages and installed it from git directly
<Mindiell> thx
<Mindiell> It was a hard path, but I did it finally.
<adam12> Mindiell: Ah, that makes sense. Maybe it was too old of a version.
<Mindiell> Now I have to try to install bundler and jekyll and test my website :o)
<Mindiell> but it's an other story
<adam12> Mindiell: good luck :)
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<Mindiell> adam12: thx ;o)
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<Sampersand> Hi all, does anyone know under what possible scenarios `__FILE__` can return `nil`?
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