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ifreund: I remember you wanting a watch mode for lswt, well it exists now: lswt -w
and yes, firefox indeed does horrific things to the title of the dev tools pop-up window
(that was what spawned this idea IIRC, wasn't it?)
is there a way of debugging spawn keybindings? I have mapped XF86MonBrightnessUp (resp. Down) to: spawn 'brightnessctl set +5%' -- that brightnessctl command works in a terminal, but it doesn't as a keybinding. I couldn't see any info with debug log level enabled that'd help
actually maybe my keyboard is eating that keycode somehow...
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Try binding so other action to it and see if that also fails.
Do you see the keypresses in wev?
yeah, nothing in wev -- it's a firmware/driver bug on the framework laptops I think
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the ambient light sensor disables those keys because it registers with a different driver that disables libinput on the same hid endpoint. problem solved, thanks! :)
Were you able to enable those keys?
I actually just bound to the F-key that's shared with them, I *can* enable those keys by blacklisting the hid_sensor_hub module, but then I'd lose the ambient light sensor which I wanted to play with