ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<ghostbuster> just upgraded from an ancient version (january) and all of my terminal windows are opening in floating mode, and my keybinding for toggle float doesn't seem to be working
<ghostbuster> also my input options aren't being respected.. natural scroll and tap-to-click say they're enabled but they're not working
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<NickH> Have you looked in your logs?
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<ifreund> ghostbuster: the format for input device names has changed on the master branch, it now includes the input device type as well
<ifreund> the other issue sounds like you don't have a layout generator (e.g. rivertile) running for some reason
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<mizzunet> river crashing randomly
<mizzunet> Partial log: https://0x0.st/ound.less
<mizzunet> Full log: https://0x0.st/ounG.log (4MB)
<mizzunet> Version: river-git 0.1.0.r96.g78d96d1-1
<ifreund> mizzunet: any chance you have a coredump and could get a stack trace?
<mizzunet> ifreund Sure. But I don't how would I get those. Could you add instructions into the README?
<mizzunet> Let me search for it
<ifreund> mizzunet: first of all is your system configured to generate coredumps? If you're not using something systemd based it probably isn't by default
<mizzunet> I think, it's not enabled
<ifreund> too bad :/
<mizzunet> cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern is /dev/null
<mizzunet> I'll enable it now, then I will get those on next crash
<ifreund> mizzunet: note that you may need to configure process limits on coredump size as well, and ensure that the directory core_pattern points to is writeable by your user
<ifreund> the core(5) man page has a list of reasons a core dump file may not be generated
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<ifreund> finished up some input device refactoring/cleanup that I started yesterday
<ifreund> with that yak shaved implementing touch support should be pretty straightforward I believe
<mizzunet> ifreund
<mizzunet> 1. After enabling, the path is now /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump
<mizzunet> 2. But it is not writable by current user. Should I chown?
<mizzunet> 3. The max size is defined as 2G at /etc/systemd/coredump.conf
<ifreund> mizzunet: I'm not really familiar with how to ues systemd-coredump, I think they have instructions in their man page
<ifreund> I don't use systemd myself
<mizzunet> I'll have a on it
<mizzunet> I had swtiched to openrc once, then for some reasons I came back to systemd :D
<ifreund> mizzunet: to test it out you can send SIGABRT to some process and see if you get a core dump by the way
<mizzunet> 󰅂 kill -ABRT 2167
<mizzunet> gdb -p 2167
<mizzunet> ...
<mizzunet> Attaching to process 2167
<mizzunet> ptrace: No such process.
<mizzunet> What have I missed?
<ifreund> you can't do gdb -p PID, instead you need to do `gdb -c <path to core file> <binary>
<ifreund> if you're using systemd I think it has some gdb integration through coredumpctl though
<ifreund> like `coredumpctl gdb`
<mizzunet> Yeah, I was reading in on ArchWiki
<mizzunet> I'll send it one next occurence (:
<ifreund> thanks, not too much I can do about that kind of crash without a stack trace sadly
<mizzunet> Makes sense
<tleydxdy[m]> I also have river "crash", but what I've observed is that river is not generating any coredumps but emacs do (probably because it got rug pulled?) I'm thinking maybe river or wlroot caused an abnormal exit but didn't technically crash
<ifreund> tleydxdy[m]: I'd go through the list of reasons a core dump might not be produced in the core(5) man page
<ifreund> river crashes should definitely be producing a core dump
<tleydxdy[m]> yeah, I'm saying maybe it didn't crash, just exited
<ifreund> it doesn't just exit though
<tleydxdy[m]> ok, will investigate more I guess
<tleydxdy[m]> I'm only running into it like once an couple days now
<tleydxdy[m]> so pretty hard to trouble shoot
<ifreund> yeah, that's the kind of thing that coredumps are really helpful for
<tleydxdy[m]> last time I attached gdb on another tty
<ifreund> ideally zig's builtin stack trace printing would work too, but it seems to be unreliable and I haven't found time to try and fix it yet
<tleydxdy[m]> but then when it crashed (I think) it just froze and I couldn't get back to that tty
<tleydxdy[m]> if you remember me asking in this chat
<ifreund> ah yeah, you would have needed to take control of the keyboard away from the frozen river process using sysrq r
<leon-p> note that sysrq is commonly disabled these days, you may need to enable it using whatever system configuration thing your distribution provides
<leon-p> and that the sysrq key on newer laptops often hides behind the print key. unlabeled, but still present
<tleydxdy[m]> yep, my 80% keyboard seem to be the same
<tleydxdy[m]> how could I see if raw mode is working?>
<tleydxdy[m]> s/?>/?/
<tleydxdy[m]> rip, doesn't seem to be working
<ifreund> cat /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq should say 1 first of all
<ifreund> then I need to hold down alt and press printscreen, then without releasing alt release printscreen and press r
<ifreund> then I can use the default linux console keybindings to switch TTYs
<tleydxdy[m]> yeah not working, err
<tleydxdy[m]> I'm trying to find the manual for my keyboard
<tleydxdy[m]> rip didn't mention anything about sysrq
<tleydxdy[m]> reboot it is
<ifreund> this wikipedia page mentions several variants of how to use it on different keyboards
<ifreund> and keyboardless ways of invoking it
<tleydxdy[m]> okay, I've enabled all sysrq function lemme try again
<tleydxdy[m]> ayy it works
<tleydxdy[m]> cool, now I'll just attach gdb and see if it does it today
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<ghostbuster> ok first thing i want to troubleshoot.. floating keybind no longer working
<ghostbuster> nothing relevant in log
<ghostbuster> riverctl map normal $mod+Shift Space toggle-float
<ghostbuster> when i run that, it says overwrote an existing keybinding.. but still doesn't work
<ghostbuster> ok fixed it myself.. sorry for spam
<ghostbuster> was garbage i acidentally left in config file when trying to troubleshoot other issue, with touchpad settings not being respected
<ghostbuster> both natural scroll and tap-to-click are set on my touchpad but not working
<ghostbuster> at first i thought it was because input devices were renamed but i've fixed that now (and i can see those settings are enabled with riverctl list-input-configs)
<ifreund> ghostbuster: hmm, are you 100% sure that the input device name printed by `riverctl list-input-configs` matches the name of the input you want to configure as printed by `riverctl list-inputs`?
<ghostbuster> yeah, it's the only one that has "touchpad" in the name
<ifreund> ghostbuster: maybe try pointer-1739-52619-SYNA8004:00_06CB:CD8B_Mouse as well?
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<ghostbuster> hmmm did not see that before
<ghostbuster> yup that seems to do it
<ghostbuster> err wait
<ghostbuster> sorry never mind
<ifreund> ghostbuster: I'm confused, do you now have things working as you wanted?
<ghostbuster> ifreund: no i thought that worked and got excited but it's still not working
<ghostbuster> it was a false alarm
<ifreund> ah :/
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<ifreund> ghostbuster: what exactly was your old config that was working on the older river version?
<ghostbuster> it was as i posted above except without the word 'touchpad-' prefixing it
<ifreund> do you mean without the word 'pointer-'?
<ghostbuster> er yeah sorry
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<xaltsc> Hey, how do you get info about views/windows and/or the whole output on river ? I can only find answers using swaymsg which, obviously, doesn't work on river.
<ghostbuster> i think riverctl does that?
<xaltsc> ghostbuster: If it does, it's nowhere in the docs
<NickH> xltsc: you can use lswt
<xaltsc> NickH: thx :)
<ifreund> PR for initial touch support is up, testing appreciated as I don't have any touch hardware: https://github.com/riverwm/river/pull/632
<ifreund> hopefully I haven't written too many bugs
<NickH> Seems to work :-)
<NickH> Tested with firefox. Swipe scrolling, pinch zoom, pressing links etc!
<xaltsc> Is there any docs available for the patterns allowed in the filter commands of riverctl ?
<NickH> I'd say merge it :-)
<NickH> xaltsc: riverctl man page
<ghostbuster> should riverctl report an error when applying configs to nonexistent input devices?
<xaltsc> NickH: There's nothing, that's why I'm asking
<NickH> Nothing?
<NickH> The word filter does not exist in the man page?
<xaltsc> NickH: The word filter does, but there's nothing on how patterns are interpreted
<NickH> AFAIK it is just a string. No regex or anything,
<xaltsc> It's not even matched as a substring ?
<NickH> Maybe substring. Not sure. I don't use it.