can somebody give me directions to informations on how to enable transparency, rounded corners and such?
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fdnick: there is no such things in river
there should be transparency though
peux-river has it somehow
what is peux-river
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peux is an arch based linux distro, peux-river is a variant shipped with river-wm
fdnick: river doesn't support transparency, so peux-river must either be using a fork of river or extreemely old version
we used to have some flawed transparency support before 0.1.0
or the transparency you are seeing is implemented client-side
i think i confused this with another wm
if i set an application to transparent, and then invoke fullscreen, the transparency is gone, is there a way around this?
" If the fullscreened surface is not opaque, the compositor must make sure that other screen content not part of the same surface tree (made up of subsurfaces, popups or similarly coupled surfaces) are not visible below the fullscreened surface."
TLDR; no, that would be a violation of the wayland protocol
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ifreund: thanks
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<tleydxdy[m]> "specify WAYLAND_DISPLAY?" <- That works. cool
I was wondering if we could replace mutter with river on GNOME. Has anyone tried that?
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mizzunet: mizzunet that's not possible, mutter and GNOME are tightly integrated
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how do i configure waybar to show river tags?