ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<talismanick> Anyone here configured zzz with waylock?
<talismanick> `doas env XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" zzz` isn't quite sufficient - waylock still says it can't find a listening compositor
<talismanick> (i.e. there's at least 1 more envvar I'm missing)
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<ifreund> talismanick: WAYLAND_DISPLAY also needs to be set
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<bw> does river have a roadmap? i remember seeing one in the past
<tiosgz> approximately the issue tracker :D. there was one until last year https://github.com/riverwm/river/issues/1
<tiosgz> btw i didn't know that #river was originally a matrix-only channel :P
<mizzunet> Does river provides that can be accessed with Golang?
<leon-p> provides what? An interface? Any language that can speak Wayland can use the river-layout river-control and river-status protocols
<mizzunet> About windows, for example, newly opened windows. And actions, for instance, the action to send window to a specified workspace.
<leon-p> take a loot at the supported protocols, maybe what you need is possible
<leon-p> however in general it's not particularly scripting friendly right now
<mizzunet> I've been learning Go and I'm thinking of writing a program that sends specified windows to specified workspaces. That function available on Sway but not yet on river
<leon-p> (for better or worse, not sure about that TBH)
<leon-p> Misthios: that won't be possible, the necessary information / events aren't exposed
<mizzunet> Can you suggest me when do I start?
<leon-p> oops, wrong ping
<leon-p> sorry
<Misthios> Np
<mizzunet> >that won't be possible, the necessary
<mizzunet> oh
<leon-p> mizzunet: that isn't possible. You'd need either a) a way to operate on river views by toplevel handle to do it the hacky way, or b) a "new window wants to map" event, which also pauses window maps when a client binds the interface, to do it correctly
<mizzunet> I see
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<ghostbuster> anyone using kanshi? wondering how to make it see laptop lid open/close events on arch
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<enb> if I'm not interrupting anything, would one of y'all be willing to help me get things working? I'm getting a "Illegal instruction" error when I try to run river
<tiosgz> you'll need to share more info. what exactly are you doing, running `river` in a tty? logs/backtrace?
<enb> yes, running `river` from tty. The log just says "Illegal instruction at address 0x23668f", nothing else, even with -log-level debug
<tiosgz> and the backtrace pls? (`coredumpctl gdb river`, then `bt full`)
<tiosgz> but if you compiled with -Drelease-safe, i think you must first recompile without that flag
<enb> I installed it from a different source, and it starts now, but none of the keybinds work
<enb> ig the binary I got the first time was broken
<tiosgz> is the init executable? are you using the example init from the repo with an older version?
<enb> oh, right
<enb> I feel really stupid for that one
<tiosgz> you don't have to, it's a common mistake
<enb> thank you for your help!
<tiosgz> np
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<leon-p> maybe if river finds an init, but it's not executable, it should refuse to start and print a warning?
<leon-p> since it really is pretty common
<leon-p> huh, actually we already print a warning, it's just not very clear
<leon-p> it's "failed to run init executable {s}: PermissionDenied", which isn't immediately obvious
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