sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<drewfustini> anyone ever try an Intel Arc graphics card on RISC-V?
<drewfustini> I am trying Arc A310 on SiFive Unmatched an performance is very bad. kmscube gets 1 fps. Whereas, performance is smooth with an anicent Radeon 5450.
<drewfustini> I am thinking maybe there is some issue with Intel Xe driver on RISC-V
<Tenkawa> drewfustini:there has been many discussions of this related to PCI BAR on Discord
<drewfustini> It does complain about lack of resizeable bar so it uses 256MB instead of 4GB
<drewfustini> ah
<drewfustini> which discord?
<Tenkawa> RISC-V
<drewfustini> ah
<Tenkawa> There does seem to be a BAR constraint currently
<Tenkawa> edolnx can give you more testing details
<drewfustini> thanks
<Tenkawa> np
<Tenkawa> Its hit us hard in Spacemit-K1 testing
<Tenkawa> Not sure what the Unmatched limit is though...
<Tenkawa> I know the K1 is very low...
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