sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<bjoto> Tenkawa: drewfustini: Got a link to the RISC-V discord server? ...can't find it. :(
<bjoto> drmpeg: TY!
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<wmat> bjdooks: did you still require the dates for the NA Summit? If yes, it's Tuesday, Oct. 21-Wednesday, Oct. 22nd in Santa Clara (same place as last year). If you're a member and attend members day, that's on Monday, Oct. 21st.
<bjdooks> wmat: thanks
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<edolnx> @drewfustini Sorry, just saw your message. Happy to answer questions when you are around
<Tenkawa> edolnx: I wasn't way out in left field with my responses was I?
<Tenkawa> Just wanted to be sure my memory stays good.
<edolnx> No, you're good. The Unmatched is fine in terms of BAR, but the Arc cards need resizable-BAR for best performance, and AFAIK none of the PCIe implemenatations on RISC-V parts support that yet. The other problem is the software support is very, very lacking. The drivers are not in Debian until Trixie, may be in Ubuntu but the OSS drivers are known for having terrible performance so everyone uses the binary only ones which are, of course, only x86
<Tenkawa> edolnx: I have an update for you I'll post in the Discord K1 channel
<edolnx> Awesome
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