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Does RISC-V Linux assign an ASID per `mm` and then use the same ASID on all harts for that context; or can it assign different ASIDs to different harts for the same `mm`?
I ask because I saw discussion on RISC-V lists a while ago about how the RISC-V spec doesn't say anything about different ASIDs between cores, and a RISC-V ASID is a hart-local thing so an OS could use different ASIDs for the same process and page table. My brief examination of Linux suggests that's not what's happening here but I'd feel better if a credible human agreed.
JohnHenry: I'm fairly sure ASID is meant to be the same across all cores,
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* bjdooks
is wondering if there's a open fpga core that we could add big-endian to as a new project for more fpga type people
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* cousteau
isn't sure he likes the idea of big endian
(except in the context of tools to convert data from and to big endian)
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cousteau: don't look at any internet protocol then
yeah that'd fall in the "tools to convert data" category
just to clarify... were you suggesting adding native big endian support, like the whole processor using big endian as the native format, or just adding instructions to handle big endian?
because the latter is OK, the former is the one that makes me sort of uncomfortable
...then again, I suppose all that'd be needed would be an option to load and store data in one order or the other
* cousteau
thinking on what a "big endian risc-v core" would imply
cousteau: the latest ISA has a {x}STATUS flag that changes the load/store unit's endian
oof, that can get tricky
we've done that for OpenSBI, QEMU, Kernel and a few other prijects
the fun comes running little-endian guest on a big endian system
where can I read info on that?
We have those macros __efi_runtime_data, __efi_runtime_code
* cousteau
is happy he guessed right about the "it only affects the load/store unit" part
sorry wrong channel
xypron: ok so it'll affect data only and not instructions
because afaik the RISC-V ABI only makes sense in little endian
er, ISA, not ABI
xypron: oh OK, that wasn't related then :)
Were did the 2019 spec go? I remember there used to be a page in with a link to it. Now googling "risc-v spec" no longer shows that page, and it took me a while browsing from directly to get to the specs
also, I see that the specs seem to be hosted in google drive. Just so that you know, some companies cut access to google drive because "security", so if the only official place to download the specs is google drive that can be a problem
"RISC-V base ISAs have either little-endian or big-endian memory systems, with the privileged architecture further defining bi-endian operation. Instructions are stored in memory as a sequence of 16-bit little-endian parcels, regardless of memory system endianness. Parcels forming one instruction are stored at increasing halfword addresses, with the lowest-addressed parcel holding the lowest-numbered bits in the instruction specification."
ok that makes sense I guess. So instructions always little, data may be big or little but that's only related to how stuff is stored in memory. Kinda weird but it feels "safe enough" to not make me uncomfortable.
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is the north americna summit announced yet?
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The privileged spec does say the following about different ASIDs between harts, quote:
If a hart employs an address-translation cache, that cache must appear to be private to that hart. In
particular, the meaning of an ASID is local to a hart; software may choose to use the same ASID to
refer to different address spaces on different harts.
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ah, I might have been thinking that "other" architecture
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* bjdooks
is trying to work out if he can do the OSS-Tokyo and RISCV-NA double bill again this year
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bjdooks: And LPC-Tokyo?
geertu: possibly
knowing date/loc for the rv summit would make life easier, but suppose i have a few months to book things
bjdooks: there's a note in the priv spec saying ASIDs might be made global in the future, that's probably what you're thinking of?
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palmer: that is what lead me to this question, but what I was wondering was about Linux's ASID behavior. It appears to be ASID-per-process despite the hart-private callout. Is that right?
hart-private callout in the RISC-V spec, that is
IIRC that's the case, but I'd have to check the code to know for sure (I didn't write it)
I was looking at it and that was the impression I got but I am also not very confident about Linux despite my masters project becoming a Linux hack
thus asking. :)
looking at it, I think they're not quite strictly global: we track them globally for allocation, but we don't eagerly globally flush them. So they're almost global, but I think they can be different when rolling over generations. Not 100% sure on that
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I seem to remember thinking we could get better allocation by avoiding the global tracking, but I think we did it this way because it was less overhead to do the tracking. So not clear which would result in better performance, and this works so it's kind of just good enough for now
at the time there was no HW. I think there's some now, but I don't remember anyone complaining about performance. So maybe it's good enough, but I bet we're just not doing complicated enough workloads for people to care
do ASIDs even matter for $CURRENTYEAR riscv?
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well, they don't make QEMU go faster... ;)
it's still early in the year, though, so maybe someone will build some HW someone cares about at some point...
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