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Is there a C library for validating RISC-V ISA strings?
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conchuod: Thanks! I looked at all those patches now, and I'm happy with all but the last of them.
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Cool, I'll drop that one. Thanks!
conchuod: btw. I brought out my curiosity board today. it ran old 6.11 and 6.12-rc1 kernels where I had an out-of-tree older version of the polarfire gpio driver. with that I can do gpioset LED1=1 and LED1 lights up
..but with a 6.14 kernel with the upstream gpio driver it doesn't work
conchuod: cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio shows the gpio is still in input mode
gpiochip1: GPIOs 526-549, parent: platform/20121000.gpio, 20121000.gpio: gpio-528 (LED1 |gpioset ) in lo
That's odd, I'll look into it. I made one change to it (other than removing interrupt support) compared to the old version you likely have so that's probably at fault.
Esmil: Do you use --mode=wait? GPIO is not persistent
geertu: well gpioset doesn't exit until I Ctrl-C
..so that cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio is from another terminal while gpioset is running
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Esmil: xypron: is there any Ubuntu image that i can download that would have Xorg and Mesa installed?
I have a situation where I'm trying to test a PCIe graphics card but I don't have any storage or networking (at this moment due to shipping delays).
In the past, I would use the preinstalled image and install ubuntu-desktop
However, in this case, my only option is to load rootfs as initramfs
I couldn't figure out a way to have Mesa setup in buildroot for older Radeon cards as it was deprecated
Ubuntu RISC-V does work okay with this Radeon card once I install ubuntu-desktop
In other words, is there a RISC-V preinstalled Ubuntu desktop image?
Not sure if they will have xorg installed though.. they look all like server
It's a custom system but it does have PCIe. Normally, I have SSD connected and NIC for Ethernet. But right now, I won't have either the SSD or NIC for a couple of days. I just have the ability to load a rootfs in RAM. This works okay with a buildroot fs. However, buildroot doesn't have Mesa packaged so I can't test OpenGL
Yeah, all the images I can find are server
It does work okay to install ubuntu-desktop on those via apt
I build mine custom (adding x/wayland/etc)
and I have done that in the past when I had an SSD connected
I have one on one of the Spacemit-K1 I'm testing at the moment too
what I would really love is the minimal possible image size where Xorg or wayland is setup
When I installed ubuntu-desktop on the server image, the size grows to several GB. Not a problem when I have SSD connected but it is a bit too big for ramdisk (my system only has 4GB RAM currently).
Yeah... good point if you are trying to run from rd..
I had considered trying to use Yocto to make a minimal desktop image with just enough to run Xorg or Wayland.
but Yocto always seems to turn into a rabbit hole for me
Could it be done with debootstrap?
Yeah, it probably could be
I need to familiarize myself with that