sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<bjoto> dlan: The patchwork CI? It's always a "what should we test" for a CI. The patchwork CI has the stance of "does the patch applies cleanly for the maintainer branches", so it's not going at any lengths to be smart about applying patches.
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<bjoto> drewfustini: PPTT is not added to the RISC-V virt/ACPI machine yet. Grep for build_pptt() (used for aarch64 virt-acpi-build.c). Similar dance is needed for RISC-V.
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<drewfustini> Thanks! I wasn't sure what the status was on riscv
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<dlan> bjoto: or simply using "b4 shazam", it will also grab the deps and apply (as the info is already in cover letter, via changeid..)
<bjoto> drewfustini: yup!
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<bjoto> dlan: Applying is easy -- the question is if it's useful to the maintainers to do so? (Counter argument is that we should try to be as aggressively as we can to apply patches/dependencies, to give the submitters input.)
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<palmer> bjoto: if the option is "apply dependencies and test a patch set" vs "skip/fail because there's dependencies", then I'd find applying them more useful -- otherwise there's just going to be noise in the test results, and as long as b4 is noticing the dependency then I will too
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<palmer> thanks
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