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<dh`> you need the fault address, then compare it to a disassembly of what was running
<dh`> looks like you first need to figure out what was running
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<unlord> dh`: yeah, that is my first problem
<unlord> because I'm running emerge inside that chroot, it is doing all sorts of things
<dh`> indeed
<unlord> unfortunately, it is not deterministic, as in if I run just that command it doesn't error again
<dh`> maybe strace it
<unlord> strace on the chroot command?
<unlord> or inside the vm?
<dh`> you could, or chroot 'strace emerge fail'
<dh`> but it will print tons of useless glop
<unlord> this is using binfmt_misc to use x86_64 /usr/bin/qemu-riscv64 on every binary
<unlord> I am trying to narrow this down but it has been really hard
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<dh`> hmm
<dh`> write a wrapper around /usr/bin/qemu-riscv64 to log its argumetns
<unlord> I've actually already done that :)
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<unlord> is there a way to pass arguments to qemu-riscv64 to tell it to write a log when it encounters an illegal instruction?
<dh`> dunno, maybe
<dh`> hmm
<dh`> > /var/tmp/portage/._portage_reinstall_.9v8uz7ol/bin/ line 82: 32824 Illegal instruction
<dh`> rude of it to execute from a temp area, which I'm sure it deletes on error so you can't inspect it afterward
<dh`> but, if you can get it to _stop_ you can examine that file
<unlord> yeah, that stuff is all gone
<unlord> I think there is a FEATURE for this
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<sorear> there's `-d in` but that logs legal instructions as well
<sorear> useful, but kind of verbose
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