tonyg changed the topic of #racket to: The Racket Programming Language -- -- -- -- logged at -- This is the right place to ask for help with (Dr)Racket. Remember to wait around for an answer!
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<shawnw> Yeah, that sounds like ignorance
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<kengruven> is it feasible (i.e., without starting from scratch) to write a library/language which extends racket's numeric tower, to add a new type?
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<bremner> was support for the environment variable PLT_EXTRA dropped from the racket build system? I see it referenced in the debian packaging, but not in the racket source anymore.
<bremner> Maybe during the switch to zuo, but then I'm surprised nothing broke for me earlier
<bremner> oh, nvm, that is just some local variable added to PLT_SETUP_OPTIONS
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<bremner> can I force rackunit to report successful tests like the teaching languages (e.g. plai) do?
<dzoe> polarian: I've been teaching graph algorithms in Clojure for 5 years and using my own Racket implementation to create nice animations for that - I cannot think of a path-finding algorithm that cannot be implemented in Racket in a VERY straightforward way.
<dzoe> And especially when people are arguing like this, it is usually about something simple like generic BFS/DFS/Dijkstra/A* variations ... Which is a piece of cake in any Scheme.
<bremner> I think what they mean is that it is harder to cut and paste from stack overlflow
<dzoe> Point well made :-D
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