oh and its not the "void" keyword, I checked that by changing it to a string, still returns void :)
Use else, not #t, for the catch-all final clause to cond. This isn't Common Lisp.
And for always evaluates to a void value.
shawnw: thanks... university teaches to always use #t though
what I am trying to do with the for is find the struct which matches the name passed into the function
You possibly can use for/first instead.
is there a better way to do this? would using "contains?" with structs work?
ah for/first worked thanks :)
if you dont mind me asking, why use else instead of #t?
because else is idiomatic
meaning people are less surprised by your code
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aka it makes more sense... alrighty :)
I guess my university just likes teaching bad habits :P
well, the instructor might have learned common lisp first
Common Lisp allows 'otherwise' for its case syntax; they could have used that in cond too. Bunch of weirdos.
I guess it makes it a bit easier to catch syntax errors, since else in other places is a syntax error, while #t is just an expression
I seem to be having the left padding issue with racket
cond cond cond cond and now I am half way across the terminal...
with C you would just invert the condition, say "if (x == 0) return; if (x < 10) return;"
but racket has no break... so how do you stop all your conditions causing nested hell?
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hit another issue google won't solve... and no way I am asking an AI, say I need to chain conditions such as two set!'s, ((set! x 5) (set! y 10)) will fail
use begin
leah2: but begin makes you jump to that line... I thought?
when I trailed it, it changes the entrypoint?
it runs all expressions inside in sequence
oh wait... I am blind
I literally had it working but too tired to even realise... I say call it a night
last thing, include doesn't seem to work, I declare a struct in one file, include the file, and then "unbound identifier"
sleep well ;)
thanks for the help btw
yw :) i have to look that up, on my phone atm
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polarian: Or you can be adventurous and start your procedure with (let/cc return expressions ...) and anywhere in expressions you can (return value) to make the whole expression return the value immediately.
But if you have no idea how continuations work, this can lead to VERY surprising results ;-)
And no, I do not suggest to use this approach generally - it's just that I've spent about a year in custom DSLs heavily using continuations for various things, so now I see them everywhere.
I guess LISP (and its dialects) really does open your brain up to different ways of thinking
instead of crutch statements, you are forced to think differently...
I still can't for the life of me figure out why "racket/include" doesn't let me include another rkt file containing struct and function declarations, if I reference the struct in the included file it is "unbound identifier"
I read the entire documentation on include, and require and neither of them answer why its not working :P
as far as I know, require requires it to be a module, while include is meant to be used for single/unmodularised code
*correct me if I am wrong*
polarian: use require
I never used include to be honest.
Some sanboxed evaluation using custom environment - yes - but include ... never.
(require "somefile.rkt")
it didn't work last night, but I was half asleep so lets try again
And in that file you just (provide binding1 binding2 ...) whatever you want to be actually required when it is required.
ah I haven't done provides
Or if you are lazy (provide (all-defined-out))
With the usual warning about possible problems if you get back to your code in the future ;-)
so provide you just list the identifiers you want to be public of sorts?
Kinda yeah
I will just read the wiki on it, thanks :)
Does anyone know how Racket class system implements inherit on fields?
I am working on R5RS-based class system and for method inheritance it is pretty straightforward - however for fields it seems virtually impossible to allow for set! of fields in derived classes.
Although I am fine with having only "private" fields and only virtual methods everywhere (with super support), I am curious whether I am not overlooking something.
And as since I started using CHICKEN for one project, part of my work is to reimplement Racket features in R5RS (with some tiny CHICKEN-specific hacks) to make my life less miserable ;-)
dzoe: that worked thank you :D
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dzoe: it really depends how you implement fields
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samth: well, the Racket implementation exposes the fields as bindings directly in the lexical scope of the class - which is pretty neat.
dzoe: right, it appears that way, but the `set!` is translated to a structure mutation of the record representing the object
That's what I thought ;-)
But in that case I have no idea how they can be used as regular bindings in expressions.
Redirecting set! is (sort of) trivial even in r5rs here, however in that case the bindings themselves cannot be a simple define/let bindings...
So yes, my question is more related to using the bindings in expressions - that's where I don't see an obvious way how to do it.
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dzoe: you need identifier macros for that. but really my view is that this just all points to the folly of trying to do real work in r5rs
samth: I agree - however as an exercise it is an iteresting problem. And the project in question is small and specific. For "real" work we are using Racket everywhere ...
I guess I think if you're using chicken I would use eggs that provide fancier macro support, not just r5
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