tonyg changed the topic of #racket to: The Racket Programming Language -- -- -- -- logged at -- This is the right place to ask for help with (Dr)Racket. Remember to wait around for an answer!
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<polarian> I have seen a lot of people slander Racket... and Scheme as a whole for being a defective language
<polarian> I can't tell whether this is just them not knowing the language well, but they argue its impossible to do certain tasks in racket...
<polarian> is that true...?
<polarian> Is there limitations to the scope of the language? or can it be used as a general purpose language.
<bremner> polarian: it is hard to know what those people think is hard without more details, but scheme and racket are both general purpose as far as I personally define it
<polarian> bremner: complaining that pathfinding algorithms are hard to implement in racket...
<polarian> but I would say it would be better... path finding is easiest written recursively, and racket/Scheme are great at recursive
<polarian> Hell I bet its easier to get a efficient path finding algorithm in racket than in C
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