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<dzoe> samth: You were (not) right ;-)
<dzoe> And it turned into another typical compiler story of mine ...
<dzoe> After futures deadlocks, memory corruption in fsemaphorse with threads and related stuff that broke Racket compiler, I couldn't resist the urge to implement Pascal-like OOP system in pure r5rs.
<dzoe> And yes, I succeeded - it is (indeed) possible. Private fields, all public+virtual methods in less than 500 lines of code and 500 more for Racket-like kwargs support.
<dzoe> Trouble is, it revealed a problem in CHICKEN module compilation that breaks hygiene on module boundaries with certain syntaxes that generate syntaxes.
<dzoe> - shown in 20 lines of code. If in one file, hygiene works, if in 3 modules, it breaks terribly.
<dzoe> And honestly, I wonder how many loops thru hoops had Matthew to do implementing the schemify layer.
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<samth> dzoe: schemify takes as input linklets that have no macros in them, so the problem is much easier
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