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<polarian> Hello, I am having issues finding how to store variables within the scope of a function/procedure. define is global, and will not work within lambda, let requires a *body* which goes out of scope and thus I can't return the value I calculate within the let block...
<polarian> also this is not bridged to discord... right?
<polarian> There is no warning within the channel for messages leaked to other platforms, so I am going to go with no...
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<dzoe> polarian: what are you trying to achieve?
<dzoe> (define myproc (let ((x 1)) (lambda () (set! x (add1 x)) x)))
<dzoe> Something like this?
<polarian> dzoe: read a file, and then I want to parse some of the content, so I need to store it as I need to extract multiple things which cant be chained in a single expression. But if I use let, the parsed content will not be returned as the last evaluation would be "let" and thus the return value is void
<polarian> I need some way of keeping the content of reading a file, within the scope of the entire function so that the final evaluated instruction is the return value
<dzoe> (define (myproc) (let ((data (port->string))) ... return-value))
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<polarian> dzoe: I cant remember the error fully but it tells me it expects a function
<polarian> oh wait nevermind let me try this again thanks
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<polarian> () and [] both work, how to determine when to use []? is there some sort of convention for this?
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<polarian> ah that makes sense thank you...
<polarian> so void issues again... i is a struct, I have checked by displaying a struct that the right struct is being found, and it outputs the name
<polarian> but I cant get it to reutrn
<polarian> return*
<polarian> its always void... is that due to the cons?
<polarian> s/cons/cond
<polarian> coming from a procedural language with "return" keyword seems to be really messing up my chain of thoughts...
<polarian> apologies for being verbose in this channel today :(