cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<wondiws> Does PyPy support audio?
<xorAxAx> wondiws: processing audio, outputting audio, what exactly?
<wondiws> xorAxAx, audio output, like pyAudio
<xorAxAx> you can try whether the lib works by using pip
<wondiws> xorAxAx, I get "Could not import the PyAudio C module"
<xorAxAx> how did you install pyaudio?
<wondiws> xorAxAx, it's part of debian
<wondiws> but that's for python3 I imagine
<xorAxAx> wondiws: yes, thats not correct.
<xorAxAx> you need to invoke the pip of pypy
<xorAxAx> btw, channel, i recently noticed that the nsa doesnt promote pypy anymore in its readme files on github (or i was blind)
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<mattip> xorAxAx: when did the NSA ever promote PyPy?
<xorAxAx> mattip: i saw it in a readme 5 years ago approximately
<xorAxAx> not sure which project
<xorAxAx> they mentioned benchmarks
<xorAxAx> hi btw :)
<mattip> last modified 6 years ago
<xorAxAx> ah, maybe the nsa has multiple github accounts or i didnt see the repo
<xorAxAx> likely the latter :)
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