cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<arigato> archie1234132: re threads: I've tried hard to make sure callbacks work with threads, can you somehow reduce the problem and post a bug report?
<arigato> archie1234132: re ptr-to-ptr-to-function: it's like passing a ptr-to-integer, you can't just say ffi.addressof(5). You need to do something like"int[1]", 5). In your case,"mycallback_t[1]", lib.mycallback_python)
<arigato> then you pass p, and after the call you can read the possibly modified value from p[0]
<arigato> sorry, I mean:"int[1]", [5]) or"mycallback_t[1]", [lib.mycallback_python])
<arigato> or, as a shortcut if you don't need to read any modified value, you can call directly f with argument [lib.mycallback_python], I think (to make an array of 1 mycallback_t)
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