cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<leshaste> would it be possible to add a comment tag under the blog posts?
<leshaste> it's hard to make publicly visible compliments currently
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<mattip> leshaste: all the "new" posts (after 2021-03-09) should have comments enabled
<mattip> which one would you like to comment on?
<leshaste> you have to click on the post. I was hoping it would be there at
<mattip> ahh
<leshaste> maybe "2 comments" link at the bottom of a post that would take you to where you can add a post
<leshaste> or something similar
<leshaste> I mean add a comment
<mattip> this is using the nikola static page generator with the utterances plugin
<mattip> I think I messed with it a bit when I put the site together but couldn't crack how to do it
<leshaste> I don't know what is possible with that
<mattip> so I only added this line about static comments
<leshaste> got you
<mattip> but it was 3-4 years ago, maybe now it is possible?
<leshaste> that would be cool
<leshaste> in general, I am not sure pypy gets the love it deserves
<leshaste> are you involved with the current cpython speedup push?
<mattip> nope
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