cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<archie1234132> Passing a callback, getting `extern "Python": function ... called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter. Returning 0.` I do call `@ffi.def_extern()`. May this have anything to do with the callback being invoked from a different thread? The thread is created internally by the C code though
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<LarstiQ> archie1234132: `subinterpreter` is a hint I think
<archie1234132> yes but of what? I don't spawn any subinterps. different thread creaed from c doesn't automatically make another interp, does it?
<LarstiQ> I didn't think so, but I have not really looked into it
<LarstiQ> are you able to test from the same thread?
<archie1234132> hm, can I call an ffi.extern callback via ffi from python without making a c function just to call it directly?
<LarstiQ> you could .set_source, or do you mean without even C code from Python at all?
<archie1234132> I mean to test a cffi from the same thread. To test a callback from the same thread it seems I'd have to create a C function just to call the callback. Wondering if I can circumvent that step
<archie1234132> test a cffi callback
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