cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<cfbolz> Guest60: don't think so, sorry
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<Guest60> no problem, it turns out that one can either make the window bigger or the blocks smaller (by reducing how many jit ops get kept), and making the blocks fit in the small window was wonderful incentive for me to cajole the JIT into doing the latter ;)
<Guest60> the bridges generated for `gcd` are more complex than I would do by hand (although I don't think it affects wall-clock time much, just space, and that's cheap these days), but the loops generated for `cfac` and `csum` look optimal (just 5-6 jit ops for 15 interpreted bytecodes) and match timings for handwritten straight rpython.
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<hexology> is there a recommended version of pypy to use for bootstrapping a clean build, for a package distro that wants to rebuild things from source?
<nimaje> well, then probably cpython2.7 and I think the only diffrence should be how long the build takes, but you wouldn't need pypy binaries
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<hexology-> nimaje: got it. it's a very big difference in build time and memory usage though, right?