Somewhat conceptual question about pypy: Does pypy optimize based on the assumption that if `x == y` then the objects are interchangeable? Specifically, if there is a object variable that isn't checked in the `__eq__` implementation?
I'm chasing down some confusing failure in my test case here, that seems to be influenced by e.g. a _different_ testcase
komasa2: this can happen for ints, floats and stuff like that, but it should not be observable
komasa2 is now known as komasa
is there some OS resource (socket, file, mmap) involved? Perhaps you are depending on refcount semantics to close or release the resource.
does changing the order of the tests change anything?
Shouldn't involve any OS resource directly
The order of the test does change things, but currently I can also get it to fail with just one test
can you share the general workflow of the test?
The core issue is: There is some kind of class that consists of basically three values, let's call them "x" "y" and "tags". `tags` is a set of other objects
The __hash__ and __eq__ method of this object only take x and y into account
komasa: it there some way we can run this ourselves?
cfbolz: not really, if there was I'd just be bugging the maintainer of the underlying library code directly :/
komasa: ok
this is some interaction between code for work I can't share, and library code (github.com/angr/angr)
komasa: did you try to run pypy with '--jit off'?
Can I somehow pass that to pytest? Because one of the baffling behavior is that directly running the test with the interpreter also doesn't fail the test
komasa: pypy --jit off -m pytest
Still fails
A jit bug would be much more disconcerting
komasa So I fear now it's down to trying to minimize the problem :-(
That's okay, I have been doing that for hours at this point, my inital question was already part of that process :)
I'm still not 100% sure this is a just a pypy issue, it might just need a different setup to trigger with CPython
komasa: let us know if we can help in some way
komasa: out of curiosity, what are you using PyPy for?
Uh, "make Python code go fast"
We are doing large scale program analysis with the angr Framework
That's extremely generic 😂
komasa: cool
If you ever want to write a guest post on the PyPy blog on that, we would be very interested
anyhow, my point is that if you are getting the error with "--jit off", then that should move the spotlight to the garbage collector differences between PyPy and CPython
WOuld the GC somehow reuse objects with the same hash?
My strong suspicion is that this is related to the __hash__ implementation somehow, because my problem is that I basically getting the same object (according to the __hash__) but the tags are empty.
And this objects gets moved into sets/dicts a lot
so maybe something like { Foo(1,2, {}) } | { Foo(1,2, {"bar"} } where the __hash__ method only uses the first two parameters
Both the set containing just the `Foo(1,2, {})` or the set containing just `Foo(1,2, {"bar"})` would seem like valid results in that case
no, the GC doesn't care about the __hash__
komasa: hm, is it specifically dicts that are involved?
Sets, I mean?
There's one behavior difference between sets in cpython and PyPy, which is that sets are insertion ordered in PyPy, like dicts. In cpython the order is arbitrary (and based on the hashes)