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<cfbolz> nice, the parser is 50% faster on the branch
<mattip> lexer-less-dict-lookups ?
<cfbolz> yeah
<cfbolz> don't know, seems not to lead to changes on "real" code anyway, just a parsing benchmark :-(
<cfbolz> arigo: if you are ever in a jit debuggy mood, there is this:
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<olliemath> Hey all, I'm dealing with a really strange slowdown in Flask - ostensibly to do with them subclassing the default JSONDecoder
<olliemath> I assume that's turning off some specialisation in json.loads somehow?
<olliemath> But the code in lib/python/3/json looks unremarkable - am I missing something?
<olliemath> Ah - I found it: _pypyjson - hmm
<cfbolz> olliemath: yes, sorry
<cfbolz> olliemath: hard to fix In general
<olliemath> Yes, the only improvement I can think of is that maybe if cls in json.loads is the real built-in JSONDecoder still specialise
<olliemath> You can set your own loader on Flask but it will call loads(s, cls=whatever)
<olliemath> I imagine they'll still do it this way if I get a patch in not to subclass (they only add a docstring - subclassing seems somewhat unnecessary)
<cfbolz> olliemath: given enough interest it's also possible to do a lot of work to improve it
<olliemath> I'm interested in helping improve it - I'm just greping some other web frameworks to see if they are doing similar subclassing or if it's a Flask-only thing
<arigo> cfbolz: looking now. of course if we change details, like move "TLS.entered -= 1" before "del seeing[seeingkey]", then the test passes
<cfbolz> arigo: yes :-(
<arigo> I'm surprized that you managed to put all these prints in the same function without affecting that
<cfbolz> arigo: I tried ten variants
<cfbolz> Eg debug_prints break it
<arigo> "ah" OK
<cfbolz> arigo: but you would agree that this looks Very Wrong?
<arigo> definitely
<arigo> I guess "--jit off" fixes it?
<cfbolz> arigo: yes
<cfbolz> arigo: I could try a more recent nightly, but could possibly just hide the bug
<arigo> I'm trying a build I made 3 days ago
<cfbolz> Maybe I should at least try lldebug
<arigo> in my opinion it looks like a register being overwritten at a random point
<cfbolz> arigo: yes, I was wondering something like that
<cfbolz> arigo: or a guard failure is broken a very tiny bit
<cfbolz> arigo: so what's the tool here? rr?
<arigo> so it occurs in an older call to codepoints_in_utf8
<arigo> ah, that may be a hint: it's a call that occurs with value == "object too deeply nested to unmarshal"
<arigo> so maybe related to the stack overflow
<cfbolz> arigo: aaaaah
<arigo> (to answer your question, yes, maybe rr would help, but it's quite some efforts)
<cfbolz> arigo: yeah, well, I wonder what happens if the stack overflow is raised at the start of the finally block
<cfbolz> Eg in the dict write
<arigo> ah, wrong level, I'm trying to add fprintf in the C sources for interp_marshal.c
<arigo> but that's not what we're looking for
<cfbolz> arigo: yes, it's a bit confusing, it's really an interpreted test for marshal
<arigo> and codepoints_in_utf8("object too deep") occurs because there's the space.newtext() in interp_marshal, interpreted
<cfbolz> arigo: right
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<arigo> ah yes, here's a theory
<arigo> del dict[(id1, id2)]
<arigo> calls the hash on the tuple in RPython
<arigo> this is certainly recursive so it might raise an rpython RuntimeError("stack overflow")
<arigo> so the original RuntimeError is masked with another one that is almost identical, and the program proceeds as usual except the "del dict" did not occur
<cfbolz> arigo: right, I was wondering
<cfbolz> arigo: that sounds like incredibly difficult to fix
<arigo> if the jit is involved, it might only be because safe_equal() is usually jitted as a function, but when 'x == y' ends up raising an exception we exit the jitted code and build more stuff on the stack
<arigo> so the first time we check for a stack overflow, we'll get it
<cfbolz> arigo: ah
<cfbolz> arigo: or it's 'only' because the JIT has somewhat different stack usage
<arigo> stack overflows should not be possible while inside the JIT itself
<arigo> there's logic to silence them
<arigo> ah, a possible idea to fix it would be to do something similar to the problem of running out of memory in the GC:
<cfbolz> arigo: sure, but jit stuff could be on the stack leading the error to happen in a slightly different place
<arigo> (yes)
<cfbolz> arigo: we would really like a slightly smaller example
<arigo> in the GC we throw an rpython MemoryError, but then we let the program allocate a bit more (from a reserve)
<arigo> similarly, when we get an rpython stack overflow, we could "enter reserve mode" and let the program consume a bit more of the stack without raising another stack overflow immediately
<cfbolz> arigo: right
<cfbolz> arigo: and then a second stack overflow is a sort of hard error?
<cfbolz> It's a bit bad that this was silent
<arigo> maybe we'd need to detect "at this point the stack overflow was handled, because the stack has shrunk a lot"
<arigo> "so we restore the normal limit"
<cfbolz> arigo: right
<cfbolz> arigo: that's similar in the gc
<cfbolz> ?
<arigo> it all looks like hacks and workarounds, but yes, I don't see any clean solution
<arigo> I think the GC doesn't have that part of the logic
<arigo> the expectation there is really that the program will finish soon, because if you get a random MemoryError you'd better log things and exit
<arigo> it's even more asynchronous than a stack overflow, at least in pypy
<cfbolz> Ok
<cfbolz> arigo: kind of true for stack overflows too
<cfbolz> Maybe not 'quit'
<cfbolz> But yes, reduce the stack a lot
<arigo> yes, but once you reduce the stack a lot, you can continue running, like tests do
<cfbolz> Yeah
<cfbolz> I still would like a small reproducer somehow
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<arigo> (and reducing the stack a lot is the default behavior, so that makes more sense)
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<cfbolz> arigo: this is entirely random and unrelated, but it seems the way that other VMs use gmp in their garbage collected languages is via this low level interface:
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<iwkse> hi, having an issue with pypy 3.8 and virtualenv. When I create a virtual environment, it doesn't install correctly pip. Running pip --version, I get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pip._vendor.packaging'
<iwkse> when I manually install pip using with pypy binary, it's installing the modules in the pypy3.8 directory instead of the virtualenv directory
<iwkse> I'm using the pypy3.8 tarball from the website
<mattip> hi iwkse. Can you try pypy -m venv venv_name rather than using the distro-provided virtualenv
<iwkse> mattip: hi mattip , sure
<mattip> what platform are you on?
<iwkse> debian linux
<mattip> are you running this as a normal user or as root?
<iwkse> normal user
<mattip> cool
<iwkse> pypy doesn't give any output, weird
<iwkse> pypy3 yes
<iwkse> I will delete the former venv
<mattip> ok, there should be all the following in the bin directory: pypy, pypy3, pypy3.8, python, python3. python3.8
<mattip> but maybe you have a different pypy in your path before the tarball's bin dir
<iwkse> yes
<mattip> hmm. I get confused when I try to let the $PATH decide what python to run, unless I know I am inside a virtualenv or conda env
<iwkse> I think there's some alias doing mess
<iwkse> mattip: great, it works nicely with pypy -m venv :-)
<iwkse> thank you
<mattip> cool. We changed our directory layout for pypy3.8, which means we now have a layout much more like cpython
<mattip> some of the tools like virtualenv have not caught up yet
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<iwkse> oh ok, understood
<iwkse> I think it's because I have an issue with alembic, I'm checking if it's related
<iwkse> basically I upgrade a migration it says all fine but doesn't create any table
<iwkse> it's a test creation table migration file
<iwkse> will try again
<mattip> cool. Does PyPy speed things up for you?
<iwkse> mattip: yeah
<iwkse> it's quite nice!
<mattip> iwkse: would love to hear more but it is late here. What still doesn't work as well as you would like, what does work well, ...
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<iwkse> mattip: sorry, was afk, sure! I'm going to provide feedbacks as I started to use only pypy since some time, performance is an interesting point
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<iwkse> mattip: it works nicely alembic. It was just a typo in the migration file