sounds much better than the terrible gray here
I just merged the PEG parser to the py3.9!
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What is the goal with the parsing on default? Is it a cleanup or an enhancement?
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cfbolz: it melted now unfortunately, but for ~1.5 hours there was a nice white dusting on the yard and roads
PEG parser \o/
mattip: I don't know yet, our parser does a lot of dictionary lookups for every token, we can probably stop doing that rather easily
both on default and 3.x
basically I think we should focus on startup and warmup a bit, for two reasons: 1) 3.11 will improve so our slow interpreter will be even more of a problem and 2) people running tests on pypy are complaining (including myself, I'm trying to stop using CPython2)
is parser in any way related to warmup?
don't you mosltly run out of pyc files anyway?
fijal: eg in pypy no
because we generate lots of code
I am going strictly from profiles ;-)
I also found a big marshal performance bug
unfortunately fixing it triggers a scary jit bug
mattip: I think another answer is "it's my idea of fun" ;-)
that is always the best reason
mattip: the peg parser fixed a number of annoying failing lib-python tests already, btw