mattip: As you can see, we have this mutable private `m_PyMethodCache` array that records if methods are overwritten with Python.
mattip: This cache works great in CPython, but PyPy seems to ignore it. Are these objects also read-only or something??
mattip: cfbolz: I am wondering because I thought only `PyType_Object`s are read-only?
has someone already written a nice recursive pretty printer for cdata objects? i.e. something that calls ffi.typeof to figure out the type, prints it, then recurses on the fields/elements?
ctismer: I don't quite get how the cache is used
Does cpython use that field automatically?
cfbolz: no, this is completely our construct. It just happens to be ignored. Since it is no PyTypeObject, something else must go wrong.
ctismer: yes, that sounds strange
cfbolz: mattip: I will continue with analysis until I have real evidence. Please ignore my post. But explaining it helped me to understand more 😂
Ok 😅
cfbolz: The cache works correctly! It is the override lookup function that obtains a nonsense override. Hey, it's a long way to Tipperary...
cfbolz: Does PyPy distinguish between PyFunction and PyCPunction? Something seems fishi there.
ctismer: yes, I am not sure we have both
I think there is no such a thing as a builtin function
cfbolz: That might explain a lot. Will investigate further. Hooka hooka 😆
>>>> type(list.append) is type(lambda:1)
ctismer: ^^
cfbolz: Argh. I need to find a new criterion to check when I have an overridden function
but I might be very close to the first solution, then.
ctismer: there might be a way still
cfbolz: Yes? I am all ears
ctismer: the code objects have different types I think
cfbolz: The function that calculates overrides is a bit complex.
cfbolz: just FYI, I still don't know where it fails, still looking.
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cfbolz: Got it: PyMethod_Check says 1 on PyPy and 0 on CPython
right :-(
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cfbolz: ok, I need some kind of replacement for `method` vs. `builtin_function_or_method`.
cfbolz: maybe I could check the module of the function?
ctismer: yeah, worth a try
for builtin_function_or_method, __module__ seems to be None
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cfbolz: yes, but I get `method` from PyPy and need to find out if it is builtin
cfbolz: The module is NULL
ctismer: right, so you should be able to use that
C-implemented methods have NULL, python-implemented ones have a module
I would think
cfbolz: Ah, need to prove that in the morning. Thanks!
ctismer: thanks for fighting your way through this!
cfbolz: I have sworn to get this running, and I never-ish give up :)
cfbolz: In any case, this will work nome way. If nothing helps, I can register all builtin functions in a dict, for instance. Hee hoo, looking forward to tomorrow! 😂
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