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<user3456> What does the ? function do inside the definition for length? I'm pretty sure it's not referring to the pilog function ?, but I also can't quite make sense of it's source (which involves asm/llvm)
<user3456> It shows up as `(? (atom (shift X)) # Normal list` when I do (vi 'length)
<user3456> backticks are used as code delimiters in my previous message, they don't appear in the actual source
<user3456> Looking at the definition for loop, it seems like ? is being used in place of NIL or T to mark an exit condition, but I don't quite get why
<user3456> Just to double check that I'm reading the definition for length correctly: length uses the gc bit to detect circular structures?
<beneroth_> hey user3456, welcome
<beneroth_> at this time this channel is not very active, but abu[7] will see your question later in the log :)
<beneroth_> you're talking about the @src/subr.l file, right?
<beneroth_> please note that while this is looking lispy, it's not picolisp, more like a LLVM-dialect very similar to picolisp
<beneroth_> so the (? ...) you see in those @src/ files is not the interactive pilog function. I couldn't found where it is defined, but from how it is used, it seems to be a kind of (if) or (cond)
<user3456> Pressing K while the cursor is over the ? jumps to an (asm ...) section
<beneroth_> then that will be the definition
<user3456> Thanks for clarifying about the dialect part though, I guess it's probably same to assume that it marks a conditional section
<beneroth_> yeah it's a bit special
<beneroth_> looking up definitions on the picolisp level will jump to the @src/ files if it is a built-in which is not implemented in picolisp (many of the standard functions are all on lisp level)
<beneroth_> the ASM is LLVM assembler
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<abu[7]> Hi user3456 and beneroth_, I think you found it all out correctly
<beneroth_> thanks abu[7] :)
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