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<user3456> I tried to get picolisp to build on an alpine vm but had issues with getting llvm installed and working
<user3456> ldd ./picolisp on a debian box with working picolisp didn't show anything that depends specifically on debian/llvm, and copying the entire pil21 folder over to alpine does yield a working picolisp binary (once I manually installed
<user3456> however I'm having trouble getting the pil stub working, symlinking /usr/bin/picolisp and /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l gets me a "could not find '@lib/something.l'" error
<abu[7]> Better than nothing ;)
<abu[7]> Hmm
<abu[7]> The symlinks should work
<user3456> I haven't symlinked anything else apart from picolisp and lib.l
<user3456> mainly due to not being sure where to place a symlink for the lib directory
<abu[7]> INSTALL recommends 3 links
<abu[7]> /usr/lib/picolisp/bin/pil
<user3456> got it, I'll double check INSTALL
<user3456> forgot that file existed, checked Makefile and didn't see any install steps there
<abu[7]> Yeah, quite minimalistic
<user3456> following the INSTALL steps worked :p thank you
<abu[7]> Great :)
<tankf33der> hi all
<tankf33der> user3456: alpine should work
<abu[7]> Hi tankf33der
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<abu[7]> user3456 + tankf33der, but what about the LLVM issues?
<tankf33der> Which one? Did i miss it?
<tankf33der> apk add llvm
<tankf33der> and llvm-utils or dev :)
<tankf33der> I do not remember correct name.
<abu[7]> user3456 did not explain which issue
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<user3456> I think I had trouble tracking down the opt binary
<user3456> and clang might've needed a manual install? can't remember if I used llvm-utils/-dev or just manually added specific llvm utilities
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