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<abu[7]> Example for extensive fixpoint calculations in PicoLisp:
<abu[7]> : (round (psychromer 22.0 18.0))
<abu[7]> -> "67.916"
<abu[7]> (start as "./pil lib/math.l lib/humidity.l +")
<abu[7]> You can see that 90 % humidity at 38 ºC air temperature would be absolutely deadly for humans:
<abu[7]> : (round (wetBulb 38.0 90.0))
<abu[7]> -> "36.499"
<abu[7]> (above 30 ºC is dangerous and 35 is deadly)
<abu[7]> Hello climate change 😈
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<beneroth> thanks for the example abu[7]
<beneroth> :D
<abu[7]> ☺
<beneroth> "The wanderer threw his drones up in the wind. 5 it were, all operated by PicoLisp, small pieces of powerful ancient code. They went out and made they're measures. The wanderer sighed as the results poured in on his ancient de-googled phone, another day to stay in the shadows of the cave, soon it will be too dangerous to roam outside..."
<beneroth> *their measurements
<abu[7]> A poem made by beneroth?
<beneroth> aye
<abu[7]> wow 👍
<beneroth> "'well' - the wanderer spoke to himself, time enough to optimize this function from 10 into 4 lines. Enough work for one day..."
<abu[7]> A de-googled wanderer it must be
<beneroth> well the Kessler syndrome resulted in some communication problems ...
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