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<user3456> oh I see, that's a really elegant implementation
<user3456> Rereading the documentation, the symbols section seems to indicate that '/' means ZERO; does that mean that NIL should be located at address 0? or am I misunderstanding
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<abu[7]> In the documentation '/' means NIL here. In fact, all the Lisp structures never have zero or null anywhere
<abu[7]> I just see that @doc/ref.html in not consistent as it talks
<abu[7]> about ZERO in the tail of minimum symbols
<abu[7]> Here the '/' really means the (short) number zero
<abu[7]> ie. an empty name
<abu[7]> Can be seen by eg. (vi 'box) and then clicking with K on ZERO one line down
<abu[7]> I fixed it in the ref
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<user3456> I see, thanks for clarifying that
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