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<tankf33der> Morning
<tankf33der> i have checked that opt in llvm and clang in clang
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<skyjuice> Hello all 👋
<abu[7]> o/ skyjuice
<skyjuice> Hey abu[7]
<skyjuice> Does Pico have a <style> function?  I checked the docs and xhtml.l but I couldn't find one
<abu[7]> There is indeed <style> in @lib/xhtml.l in line 136
<skyjuice> You're 100% correct, I need to work on my search skills 😖
<abu[7]> ☺
<skyjuice> What would css like this look like in Pico?
<skyjuice> <div>
<skyjuice>             <style> /* Simple example. */
<skyjuice>                 me { margin: 20px; }
<skyjuice>                 me div { font-size: 5rem; }
<skyjuice>             </style> </div>
<abu[7]> (<div> "me" ...
<abu[7]> (<div> "class"
<abu[7]> (<div> '(attr . "value")
<abu[7]> (<div> '((attr1 . "value") (attr2 . "value")
<abu[7]> Same syntax for all tags
<skyjuice> ( <style> NIL (<div> "me"
<skyjuice> ?
<abu[7]> also (<style> '(attr . "value") etc
<abu[7]> (<style> NIL is not needed
<abu[7]> (as empty)
<abu[7]> Just experiment in the repl
<abu[7]> : (<h2> ...
<skyjuice> Good idea, will do
<skyjuice> thx for the tips
<abu[7]> :)
<skyjuice> ok, after some experiments I understand how to render classes and id's, but not an internal style sheet in the form:
<skyjuice>   <style>
<skyjuice>        p  h1 ul {
<skyjuice>            color: red;
<skyjuice>            font-size: 20px;
<skyjuice>        }
<skyjuice>    </style>
<skyjuice> I get NIL with (<style> '( p . "color: red;)) in the repl
<abu[7]> Something like (<style> '(style . "color: red; font-size: 20px;") ... ?
<skyjuice> let me try
<abu[7]> ie 'style' is the attribute
<abu[7]> (<h1> '(style . "color: red; font-size: 20px;") "This is a header")
<abu[7]> The last semicolon is not needed
<abu[7]> (<h1> '(style . "color: red; font-size: 20px") "This is a header")
<skyjuice> ok
<skyjuice> thx, still experimenting
<abu[7]> ok
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<abu[7]> Probably the best strategy is to dig through sources in @lib/xhtml.l a little to get an idea how it works
<skyjuice> Agreed
<skyjuice> thx
<abu[7]> Too bad there is no full docs
<skyjuice> True, that would be a welcome addition
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